Hospital Bags and other questions

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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This might sound a silly question, but what size hospital bag do I need?

What do I need in it? I have so far, from my shopping trips :D any excuse :wink:

* 2 nighties that open at the front
* Dressing gown
* Slippers
* 2 towels (bath)
* Clean set of clothes
* Pack of disposable knickers
* Breast pads

Also, what will baby need in her bag? How many clothes changes? Nappies? Blankets?

I've never done this before and my midwife likes to shove you out the door asap. To be honest I feel as though I'm treated a little second class as I'm 24 but look hell of a lot yesterday, at hospital, the doctor was talking to OH who's in his 30's) as though I wasn't there! We've both noticed that the midwife does this too, when talking about things she obviously deems too incomprehendable for me :wall: So as you can imagine I don't feel as though I can ask many questions....

Anything else I'll need to take with me?
There are quite a few good lists online if you google hospital bag. You'll need maternity pads for sure, blood loss after is quite heavy and normal pads don't cut it. I have two bags, one for labour and one for the ward afterwards. I just leave the ward bag in the car whilst in labour and then my dh can go and get my other bag once settled on the ward.

As for baby I have one blanket for coming home with because they usually provide blankets in the hospital. I have one pack of nappies, cotton wool, 3 sleepsuits and vests, some scratch mits, a hat and a jacket just incase it's raining or something.

Awww hun sorry you feel you're being treated differently because you look young. I had the same thing when I had my son, I was 19 at the time and was fine until I had him and some of the midwives in hospital treated me awfully! Haven't noticed it this time round again so far but will see when I'm back in hospital again. I'm 22 now but still look quite young so we shall see!
Maternity pads!!!! at least 2 packets!! Dont forget em! Mothercare will stock them. And dark knickers, I would go for cheapo primark or asda cotton full briefs/boxers that you can chuck after instead of disposable ones, the disposable ones are just cheap and baggy and itchy and nastttttyyyyyy......*shudder*

Also flip flops for the shower in the hosp, you don't want to be standing in other peoples ming on the floor when you have a wash!! They are not the cleanest! :puke:

I'm sorry to hear your midwife is such a bitch, they are the same with me, I get about 2 mins per appointment, I think it's because they just don't have the time, they are so understaffed.......

I'm sure when it comes time for LO to arrive you will have a lovely team looking after you, the few other MW's I have met when being monitored in the hosp were lovely, I'm just trying to stay positive and pray they are there when LO decides to come!

Cleo xxx
There are lots of threads on this, have a look at this one:


A lot of it I think depends on what your hosptial provides so I would check that out. For example nappies - our hospital provided pampers.
Hehe, i was going to put the link to my one but got beaten to it! i think there's pretty much everything you could possibly need on that one!
I got a bag from primark- they have a couple of nice large ones at the mo- or at least they did have a couple of weeks ago. I'd recommend getting a pile together of all the stuff you need to fit in and then see what size you will need. I'm taking 3 bags- one for me, the changing bag with baby stuff and then dh will have a small bag for his stuff.
Oh about the multiple bags - practically it's a good idea but the hospital might not be happy about it (though tough if they are!). One of the midwives mentioned it might be a good idea to use a small pull along suitcase so that's what I took. Mostly because if you need to be moved you won't be the one shifting bags around, especially if you're on your own at the time. In the end it was an absolute godsend for me as I was moved rooms twice before I even gave birth, then down to delivery, then back to the ward. I was even thanked for being so straightforward bag wise! I just used one half for my stuff and the other half for the baby's.
Crikey, I've got a small pully suitcase, stuffed full and a holdall which is full but I still need to add some stuff, think I might have overdone it a bit and I'm still panicking that I've missed loads out!!!

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