Hospital Bag


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2008
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i have compiled this list and thought i would share it as i noticed there has been alot of posts recently from people wondering what to bring with them

This is made up of what i have been advised to take :)
I thought that we could start with this and mums could help us delet/add stuff as appropriate

What to pack for labour -

• Your birth plan -- If you have one
• Dressing gown -- useful if you end up pacing hospital corridors in early labour
• Slippers
• Socks -- believe it or not, your feet can get cold during labour
• An old nightdress or a T shirt to wear in labour -- It might get a bit messy so don't buy anything specially to wear in hospital.
• Massage oil or lotion if you would like to be massaged during your labour
• Lip balm
• Snacks and drinks for you while you are in labour, or some glucose tablets to keep you going
• Watch with a second hand -- to time contractions
• Digital camera or camcorder. If you want to bring a camcorder, check with the hospital beforehand -- not all of them allow them in delivery rooms.
• Relaxation materials: books, magazines, games etc.
• TENS pain relief machine -- if you are planning to use one
• Toiletries
• Water spray, or a hand-held fan to keep you cool
• Music to listen to -- take a battery-operated machine as most hospitals won't let you plug things in. Some hospitals provide their own CD players -- again, check first.
• Sieve for fishing out poo if planning a water birth

For your birth partner -

• A change of clothes
• Snacks and drinks -- you don't want a dehydrated, hungry birth partner looking after you!

For after the birth -

• Going home outfit. And loose comfortable clothes to wear while you're in hospital. It will take a while for your tummy to go down so you'll be still wearing maternity clothes when you come home -- sorry!
• Nursing bras -- two or three
• Breast pads for when your milk comes in
• Maternity pads -- a couple of packs
• Nightshirt or T-shirt -- front opening shirts are useful for breastfeeding
• Toiletries
• Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste
• Old knickers/cheap knickers/disposable knickers -- don't bring your best ones as they will get messy. If you end up having a caesarean, the NCT does brilliant stretchy knickers that are comfortable over your scar.
• Arnica tablets to help with bruising after the birth. Although there's no conclusive evidence that they work, many women report that taking arnica helps reduce bruising and helps the healing process.
• Ear plugs, in case you end up on a noisy ward!
• Address book, plus lots of change or a prepaid phone card for all the calls you may want to make. You may find you cannot use your mobile phone in the hospital building.

For your baby -

• An infant car seat -- some hospitals won't let you leave without one
• One outfit for the trip home
• Two to three babygros and vests for baby to wear while you are in hospital. Some hospitals provide baby gowns for your baby to wear during his stay.
• Baby blanket (a warm one if weather is cold)
• Nappies
• One pair of socks or booties
• Hat
• Jacket or snowsuit for winter babies.
• Muslin squares
I will tell you what I didnt take/need off that list! :D

Massage oil as Im the type of person that if OH would have tried to massage me he may have found himself with a few broken fingers lol!
Watch with second hand as never needed to time the contractions once in hospital!
Pictures of anything,
Music! Again not something I personally would be bothered with during labour but I know alot of others find it very very useful!
I never took anything for my OH either! The MW's always gave him coffee or a snack (not sure if they were supposed to though lol)
Ear plugs as I would sleep through any other baby crying anyways lol! Its weird how your body works!
I ended up packing two bags- one for me when I first went into hospital and one for baby once born, which made things a bit easier so don't spend ages looking for tiny scratch mits in bottom of bag.

I had to be induced to packed everything I thought I might need and as advised by midwife at antenatal classes. So had Ipod, magazines, puzzle books, snacks etc all to help pass the time and as a distraction for while in labour. When my contractions started I only managed to flick through about half The OK mag and listen to a couple of songs and a super fast 8 hours later my bubba was born. Days later my OH laughed at me and said he knew I wouldn't need all that but jsut let me get on with it :roll:

Of course everyone and every labour is different so whatever helps, PACK IT!
I'm glad there are organised people in the world I can steal lists like this off of :lol:

Thank You!!
I'm glad I looked before I posted.

I think its about time I started getting together a bag or two, I cant keep denying that fact that I'll be having a baby soon and I need to get organised! :shock:

Is about 35 weeks ok to pack one or a bit early, honestly I'm not in denial!
im packing mine just after new year so i would say that 35 weeks aint too early, then again babies in my side of the family like to be impatient lol

also would the midwifes think i was moving in if i had a rolly case for me and a backpack type thing for baby?
lol.....i was thinking much the same, I was going to pack a bag with wheels on it, like I'm off for a mini break!!

After a trip to the hospital a few weeks ago I better not take any chances!!
This is gonna sound bizarre but I went to a waterbirth class and they asked us to bring a sieve for fishing poo out the water. I knew this was always a possibility but assumed they would do it for you but apparently because of infection control, you have to take your own sieve so we had to buy one in Tesco and put it in the hospital bag! Something to think about ladies! :) :lol:
well i was born at 29 weeks and was given a bloody great fright at 27 when i was informed i was in labour later to find it was SPD! :evil:

Thanks Alice i shall add that to the list as a possibility :)
Thanks :D . Suppose I should really start to pack my bag soon. I feel like if I pack it, it will make it all real. I'll have to decide on this coming home outfit! I keep forgetting that in a few weeks I'll have a baby. How scary....
I no Im tri hopping, buttt, are you allowed to take 2 big bags in with you?
Wont they think like your moving in or soemthing? lol
Or do you actually need all of the stuff.
I took:

clean PJs for after birth - gave birth in the pjs I went into hospital in!
warm socks for after - never wore during
nursing bras and breastpads
travel size toiletries as had loads left from xmas - shampoo, shower gel, moisturiser, toothbrush and toothpaste
I took my concealer cos couldnt be bothered packing full make up bag
hairbrush and bobble
coming home outfit
disposable pants are awful - i got cheap pack of 5 normal ones from matalan about 2quid
maternity towels - a must!
nappies & cotton wool ( but in fact the hospital gave me cotton wool)
2 x sleepsuit & vest in different sizes - didnt need socks or bootees as Holly was wrapped in blanket most of time and the sleepsuits have feet in them
snowsuit for coming home & blanket for going over baby and a hat
a couple of CDs and the camera

that was about it... didnt pack any magazines or relaxation stuff or massage oils... OH went to the hospital shop and got the papers but tbh up until i had the epidural after about 8hrs in reading was definitely not top of my list and if OH had of done I would have not been impressed!
OH took some fruit to snack on but I ended up sending him to the canteen to get a hot meal cos he had been up for nearly 36 hrs due to his shifts at work

I pack quite light anyway and as we lived 5 mins from hospital OH could bring anything else that was needed. We left the car seat in the car until it was needed.

hope that helps
the list looks good but dont bother with the special stretchy knickers from NCT or the disposable knickers. I had a
c-section and all you really need is the massive granny knickers (full briefs) in black. Also the disposable knickers are awful.. god knows why i bought them (i didnt listen to the ladies on here!) :wall:

Claire x
I am also glad there are people out there more organized than me :oops: This as given me a good insight of what i need to get together, Ive only just started buying stuff for the baby - Im so slow! :oops:
well ive packed wee mans bag and just need afew more bits for mine and im done!!! woohoo how real is it feeling now please :cheer: :cheer:
just need to get some button fronted nighties, new slippers & knickers and that's both of mine all done woohoo!

I wouldn't worry about how much you take, I;ve got 2 bags - a big holdall for the wee man and then one of those wee suitcase things on wheels for me! :lol:

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