hospital bag?/bag's?/rucksack?/suitcase?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Who's packed and who has yet to pack?

Now... i was going to be a good girl and not pack too much, but...... where on earth am i suposed to fit it all?

2 towels - well thats nearly half a rucksack full, couple of nighties and a dressing gown and it's full!
I've got knickers, socks, breast pads and maternity towels stuffed in all the side pockets. I need a bigger bag!

I've allready filled one small overnight case for the baby AND have a changing bag. So thats 3 bag's allready and lets not forget the birthing ball (and all the stuff i havent thought of yet)

I just cant see how i can just breeze in with an over night bag and have everything i need. :think:
I'm going to go and get the rest of the stuff I need next week then pack one bag for me (sports holdall) and just a normal sports bag for baby. It's my birthday soon so I've just asked people to get me nighties etc to go in my bag. I'm probably going to take too much in - it's like going on hols where I always take too much! x
yea ive got 2 bags on for me and one for baby. not even got dressing gown packed yet. thats will have to be carried no room in bag. dont forget to pack ya notes.yea just gotta get dressing gown washed and i think im ready deffo. also dont forget ya car seat :D
I haven't even thought about what to pack in bags yet, but i guess will be one bag for me and one for baby....

I want to get everything ready but we are painting the house and waiting for our new carpet to be fitted in 2 weeks then we can get all the baby bits out and ready and set up.... i hate waiting!!! But hubby thinks it is best to wait..... he won't do if i go into labour early and we don't have anything ready!! :think:
Ive got a 'weekend' suitcase for me and a changing bag for LO

in mine is
Jeans, t-shirt, jogging bottoms to go home in/wear in hospital
1 nightie, 1 pair pj's
undies/nursing bra
big wash bag
mat/breast pads
fresh t-shirt and undies for OH as he might be able to stay in hospital hotel with me.

for LO
15 nappies/wipes/etc
2 sleep suits
3 vests

We will prob have another bag on stand by just in case a secong night stay is needed
I bought a pink suitcase and I have packed the babys stuff but haven't done mine yet.
I've got 2 bags packed - one for the delivery room and one for afterwards. The one for the delivery room is an old beach bag (I didn't have one the right size, except for my large-ish collection of beach bags!) and has got things in it like; nightie, TENS machine, Lucozade, snacks, flannel, knickers, 1 nappy and vest, etc.

Then I've got an overnight wheelie bag with things for afterwards in it - towels and washbag, PJs, more undies, selection of baby clothes (I have chosen plain white vests and sleepsuits, OH has chosen an array of, ahem, more fashionable baby garments so she has a wardrobe to choose from :lol: ), packet of nappies, flip-flops for shower, breast pads, blanket, etc.

My bags are in OH's study (where he will find them if he gets in a flap) along with the car seat, my notes, camera. He also has to pick up my V pillow (apparently Reading hospital are a bit mean with the number of pillows you can have, and if they aren't mine can stay in the car,) and gym ball. I have finally managed to persuade OH to let me have a proper gym ball as he was of the impression the space hopper he got for Christmas was just as good, but with handles and a cheery face on it too! I made him see the light, and the space hopper is NOT coming to hospital with us.
Towels???? now I am definitely screwed, hadn't thought of packing them.... I HAD one large sports holdall packed which I was quite proud of considering I am going to be in for 3-4 days. But have realised it is bursting at the seams and I haven't packed my dressing gown either.... so time for a re-think!

Will need a seperate bag too for snacks, drinks, magazines etc... to help keep us entertained (and OH fed and watered) if we have to wait.
I'm all packed and ready. :D

We have one weekend size holdall for my labour and post birth stuff. We have another smallish bag with baby things. I've only packed enough stuff for 24hours (e.g. one overnight) stay at the hospital.

The remainder of the things we might need (spare nighties, nappies, baby gros, milk, hats etc etc) are laid out ready for someone else to bring in later if need be.

I've got two bags packed a holdall for the labour ward with my toiletries, nightdress and dressing gown, socks, one nursing bra, ipod, mobile and chargers, change for the car park. 2 nappies, vest and babygro and cardigan for bubs. There's more bits to go in like deodrant and clean t-shirt for DH food, lucozade sweets for me and my notes, THen I also have a weekend wheelie case for when I go up onto the ward with more clothes and nappies for bubs something for me to come home in another nursing bra and nightdress breast pads, maternity pads, underwear and blanket for bubs to come home in.
Gosh I'm doing ok then I've just packed a sports bag (backpack type) with mine and baby's things in. I am planning a homebirth but you never know.

So I've packed:
2 bath towels & toiletries (soaps, shampoo, hairbrush etc)
Sanitary pads
Baby's clothing (2 vests & 2 babygrow's in different sizes)
Nappies/wipes/cotton wool etc
Hats, booties, scratch mits etc
Water, lucozade tablets, dried snacks for DH (tuc crackers etc)
Blankets for baby after the birth

I can't think what else I've stuffed in there!!

I'm not planning on staying though, if I need a hospital delivery for what ever reason I'd be insisting I was out again within 6 hours. I'm not going onto a ward of other women - I don't know why, nothing against them I just don't want to be with them! Wierdo I know!! Hense why I'm praying I can have my homebirth!!
if I need a hospital delivery for what ever reason I'd be insisting I was out again within 6 hours. I'm not going onto a ward of other women - I don't know why, nothing against them I just don't want to be with them! Wierdo I know!!

Not weird at all - my notes say I want to be out of the hospital asap after baby is born. I'd like to have my baby at home, but unfortunately we don't have water or electricity (or a living room floor for that matter!) at our house, and the place we are renting just isn't home. It's a fully furnished one-bed bungalow and they get really precious about the sofa in it. I can just imagine what they'd be like if I said they needed a new mattress 'cause I'd just had a baby on it :rotfl: .
Nicola said:
I'm not planning on staying though, if I need a hospital delivery for what ever reason I'd be insisting I was out again within 6 hours. I'm not going onto a ward of other women - I don't know why, nothing against them I just don't want to be with them! Wierdo I know!! Hense why I'm praying I can have my homebirth!!

I dont think you are weird nicola. Im hoping I'll be able to stay in the hospital hotel because I just dont mix well with other people (well, in person anyway)
I don't much like the idea of staying on a big ward either. My hospital offers individual rooms at a rate of £39 a night. If I end up having to stay in I'm going to opt for one of these. I think it'll be worth the small cost to be able to have some privacy to enjoy LO.

Must admit though, first time around, after being in hospital for 6 weeks I actually found the camaraderie of a big ward better than a private room. I made a lot of good friends.

Ok I'm so pleased I'm not the only one who doesn't want to go onto a busy ward of other women...really pleased about that actually. Our hospital has ONE private room £55 per day/night it's in use but of course it's a main hospital and 1 private room...what are the chances I'd get in there when the hospital is always busy and closing it's maternity unit and sending women to other hospitals in the area!!
i havent packed yet i still need to buy my stuff. dont worry im going next week!
I would just say take as much or as little as you like, just remember OH/birthing partner has to carry it around for you, so maybe something on wheels :D

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