Hospital appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Well just come back from hospital and mixed news.

There's Polycystic Ovryies (short term) AND Polycycstic Ovry Syndrome (long term thing)

I deffinatly have PCO but need to have 13 blood tests done to find out if I have PCOS. Which have to be done in first 3 days of my AF

Worse thing is I have to loose weight and I'm not exactly that big to start with. Hubby is been OTT about my diet making me almost a veggy :shock: won't even let me have cheese :cry:

Anyway also said things are looking good for me been PG BUT they won't test until 2 weeks after my AF is due cos of my PCO and any test before that can be a neg. :x

But there's noway I can last that long :lol: So will test on Monday if AF don't arrive at the weekend (it has been a day late before) then again at end of that week if still no AF :rotfl:

Impressed him with my charting :cheer: So now I just have to wait and hope I don't rip my hair out doing so. :wall:

Oh also told me I'm in so much pain with the cramps cos my nerves are damaged and now ultra sensative from the riding accident but should have no problems with my PG but will monitor me when get the +.

Soooooo :pray: AF don't arrive!
i hope it doesn't arrive, keep those fingers crossed :hug:
glad you got a few more answers and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that AF stays AWAY! x :pray:
Glad things are finally getting sorted, Hope the 'Red Devil' stays away for you. I never knew there were 2 types of polycystic ovaries, what's the difference between them? Can't believe there's so many blood tests for PCOS :shock: . Take care :hug:
Thanx all.
I know I almost fainted.
Tests cover thyroid and other things that give similar symptoms to PCOS.

The differance is PCO is short term and only happens when you OV and clears up but PCOS is long term and there kinda perminantly.

Well that's how they explained it. If you get what he means.
Good that you've got some answers ......

Now I've got everything crossed that evil AF doesn't show ... GOOD LUCK!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
fingers crossed af doesnt arrive :pray:

glad your getting a better idea of what your dealing with.
when i had my pcos bloods it was 6 viles or whatever those tube things are called, its not as bad as it sounds tho hun :hug:
Thanx all.

Really hope AF dosen't arrive. If it does then my bodies really messed up :roll:
Well since AF arrived over weekend I had to get the blood tests done.

Got all the test done this morning and my arm still hurts :( Bruised like crazy.

Now it's 3 to 4 weeks wait for the results :wall:
hope it all goes ok and the wait doesn't drag too much :hug:
Aw :cry: I hope all goes well and the wait doesn't seem too long doll, xx

Hope everything turns out well for you 3-4 weeks is a long time, hope it goes fast for you :hug:
Thank you.
Trying to focus on xmas shopping instead of the wait but it's hard.
Why do they always make us wait for our tests results for so long :evil: . Hope all goes well :pray: :hug:

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