Hospital Appointment - another waste of time :(

:hug: :hug: :hug: I am so sorry you have had such a rubbish visit.
It sounds as though they have done nothing to help or reassure you at all.

I hope the consultant will more helpful, I think it is time to start getting demanding with them and tell them how concerned you are. They can't just let you drift further on with no plan. You have every right to be cross and upset.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

Hope you get some answers from the consultant. Don't let them fob you off.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

they sound crap hun :shakehead: you should definitely go somewhere else if you can. Doesnt sound like theyre reassuring you very much, which is exactly what they should be doing, you dont need all the stress! If you dont feel like you can trust what theyre saying, then theyre not doing their jobs very well :x

Hope you can get a second opinion that gives you some proper answers :hug: xxxx
thankyou girlies :hug: :hug:

I had a sleep and a think, things always seem better after a nap :lol:

I'll just concentrate on next weeks consultant appointment now. He/She will be the only person who can make any decisions about delivery and labour etc so hopefully I will get some good news. I have a list of questions to ask already which I took today. The midwife was quite suprised that I had asked all these things. She wrote an essay in my notes LOL It says I have been a vicitm of lack of continuity which I agree with. 'Most' of the midwives I have seen have been very good but no-one is singing from the same hymn sheet and everyone seems to be arguing over what is right and what is not which is so confusing for me.

I keep re-iterating that my ONLY concern is getting baby here safely and as long as that happens everything will be fine. I am just worried as no-one seems to know what is going on that if anything did go wrong it would be passed as one of those things and no-one would take the wrap as everyone keeps passing the buck.

Not one person is 100% sure of where I will have baby, everytime I see someone be it a midwife or doc they say "where do you plan to have baby" nothing has been officially discussed or booked as yet but I have said that it will be in hospital now as the birth centre wont take me. I can go to another hospital which is further away but the standard of care seems to be significantly higher than the dive I am currently going to. I have heard nothing but praise for the other hospital I am thinking of going to so I should imagine it will be there :)

Thats really crap. You need to know whats happening and what the hospital is going to do for you. Why not look into a different hospital and in the meantime see the consultant and find what they have to say about your situation. :hug: :hug:
Hey first of all :hug:

I know exactly how you feel. My LO was oblique and I was told to go to hospital and was kept there for a week on complete bed rest :wall: :wall: :wall: because I was such high rish of prolapse :roll: They scare the life out of you with all the ifs and buts of cord prolapse and then leave you there sh*ting yourself! They tried contolled labour with me which didnt work :x Had numerous scans and internals :evil: I was prepped for surgery 5 times and having to be shaved each time is so dignified :rotfl: I eventually had my princess 7days after admission and only because I screamed and cried at the registrars :oops: :oops: I was so mad as they told me on day 7 I was to have a day off and rest and then start again although be prepared it may not work :x :x :x So I through a major hissy fit and they registrar look so shocked he said "oh ok well I'll see you in surgery in the morning" By 12:14pm the next day I was a mummy.

Hang on in there hun if you need to talk PM me :hug: :hug:

LilysMummy said:
Hey first of all :hug:

I know exactly how you feel. My LO was oblique and I was told to go to hospital and was kept there for a week on complete bed rest :wall: :wall: :wall: because I was such high rish of prolapse :roll: They scare the life out of you with all the ifs and buts of cord prolapse and then leave you there sh*ting yourself! They tried contolled labour with me which didnt work :x Had numerous scans and internals :evil: I was prepped for surgery 5 times and having to be shaved each time is so dignified :rotfl: I eventually had my princess 7days after admission and only because I screamed and cried at the registrars :oops: :oops: I was so mad as they told me on day 7 I was to have a day off and rest and then start again although be prepared it may not work :x :x :x So I through a major hissy fit and they registrar look so shocked he said "oh ok well I'll see you in surgery in the morning" By 12:14pm the next day I was a mummy.

Hang on in there hun if you need to talk PM me :hug: :hug:


As soon as they said oblique I thought of you today :lol: after your post yesterday!

Sorry you had such a crap time too hun :hug: :hug: I'll remember to kick up a fuss if they leave me, Im quite good at hissy fits!! Hopefully it wont be too long and I'll be able to scare the consultant into doing something for me :D did you go overdue with your LO? xx
I was at my 40w MW appointment she sent me to hospital and I was 41w when I had her :D

Throw a fit I wish I had done it sooner :rotfl:


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