Hospital again!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Just to let you all know I went to MW yesterday and she found blood in urine and BP was high, so she sent me to hospital.
They found blood and protein in urine and protein in blood, so I went on monitor for an hour were I was having regular contractions and they gave me an internal. The doc sent me home but wants me back again this morning as he could not tell if I have ruptured my membranes, and wants to rule out pre eclampsia so im in for another long day at the hospital today!
sorry to hear your having some problems cab must be awful for you especially as you are so close to giving birth :hug: I expect they will give you a scan today to see how your fluid levels are doing, i know its a pain toing and froing from the hospital but at least they are keeping a close eye on you and baby, good luck for today hun and hope all is well for you and baby, keep us posted, big hugs to you :hug: :hug: xxx
good luck at the hospital today!
hope you and baby are ok! xxx :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
Awww what a pain! Good luck with the hospital, hope all is well with you and baby :hug:
Good luck at the hospital..i hope everything is ok for you :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you are having problems but your being looked after which is the main thing. Let us know how you get on....

Well just back everything was ok today BP a bit high but not as bad they did another internal and my CRP is 13.5 no idea what that is!
They said I may have a big bloody show after the internals but to go back in if I feel I need to, and the midwife has me an appointment for every week so she can keep an eye on me.
It feels horible down there now, and baby has'nt moved since we left!
the doctor told me im best not knowing the sex as last week she had a ladie that was told she was having a girl had everything pink and a name and she had a boy, how bad is that!
Hope the nxt couple of weeks go smooth for you now hun x
Glad to hear you were sent home all ok, just think another few weeks and it will be all over and done with!

I feel for that lady, I have lots of blue items and I get paranoid its going to come out a girl lol

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