Hormone's are raging *Warning Rant about Men*


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Aargh OH has got weeks holiday this week and he is already driving me insane. My little routine has gone right out of the window I can't get on with anything. I've just been in the middle of folding washing and trying to sort stuff out and the cheeky tw@t says ''Will you make us a coffee babe''
My head nearly exploded he is just wandering around looking at the jobs that need doing whilst I'm actually trying to do them.

:evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: Can see this being a great week
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Bless ya sweetie, I know how it feels!
I look forward to my OH working sometimes because i know it'll mean I can get things done without feeling like i need to entertain him or look after him!
He has been good recently but last week he had 2 days off in a row and it nearly drove me mad!!!!


P.S tell him to get his own coffee and to make you one whilst he is there... lol xxxxxx
lol, my OH wouldnt DARE ask me to make him a drink, :rotfl: I think he's a bit scared of me at the moment. Im so hormonal and fed up. I either cry or i shout , haha.
He has made them :D

I gave him the option of making the drinks or washing the pots, mopping the bathroom floor or ironing :rotfl:
lol, good for you!! :cheer:

I love it when my OH is off, but you are right, it knocks your routine right out. I don't get anything done on the weekends, when he is home.
Drinks is definitely the better option.

I have so much to do today I don't even know where to start. What should I do first?

* Wash Connie 0-3 month clothes (done newborn)
* Pack hospital bag
* Scan in all teaching resources so can chuck 54236584 files of paper.
* Have a bath.
* Go to doctors and pick up Spatone.
* Put loads of stuff on Ebay.
* Ar5e about on pregnancyforum.

Currently the last item on the list is winning :cheer: :rotfl:
I know what you mean - my list today is: tidy up upstairs, throw away stuff from spare room which is now nursery or put it somewhere else, hoover and dust upstairs, contact potential childminders, phone mum and friend, + go on this forum at intervals! (Not to mention dinner ready for 6pm!!!)
i know how you feel hun, i love ken to bits but sometimes i sigh with relief when he goes to work, i like my little routine and get a lot more done when he is out of the way :lol:
My poor OH doesnt get a quiet day to himself anymore...I used to work saturdays so he had a day to mess about on the xbox and see his mates, now I am home I'm saving all the jobs I cant manage for him and he gets no peace! :rotfl:

Mind you if he just looked around and did things without being asked....as if!
:shock: :shock:

I feel really awful but I love my little routine I have got into during the day.
Breakfast - Have looky on Pregnancy Forum

Get showered, Wash up breakfast dishes, tidy Kitchen

Mid Morning Coffee break - Coffee and a little look on Pregnancy forum

Put washing in, Sweep floors, Clean bathroom pop to the shops!

Lunchtime - Watch Loose Women and stuff my face

Afternoon - Nap or watch Jeremy Kyle til 3.30 then make packed lunches and prepare the tea!!

:shakehead: :shakehead: I managed to get him to mop the floors though. I'll have him trained up by Friday :lol:

I have a little routine too...if OH was here i would not get anything done

get up, breakfast and look on PF

Wash dishes, wash in, sweep floors

pop to shops if need anything

make lunch

watch loose women

go for walk with mother-in-law if she is here

oh but have a huge list of big jobs such as cupboards and washing clothes for baby. I still need
nursing bras, nipple cream and a bath support

the pf is great to go on when you are having a coffee break x
I come on here with the intention of having a quick look and 2 hours later i'm still sat here browsing :oops:
My OH has gone to town to buy things that I have chosen on the internet. Normally I would get things delivered but we need a birthday present for his mum by Thursday so while he's in John Lewis he'll get things like a new toaster. He has the product numbers and I have phoned to make sure everything is in stock :rotfl:

Before leaving he made sure I had everything I could want - food and drink, laptop, DVDs, books.... and said he hoped I was still resting in bed when he got back. :D

I wonder if we have role reversal in our house - he can't wait until I finish maternity leave and get out of his way during the day

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