

Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Hello Everyone,

Just wondered if any one is extra emotional lately? Because I sooo am!
I feel like I have lost friends (quite a few of them) and hate horrible rumours that can be created when people learn of your news, just feel like crying a lot! Quite pathetic really, just wondered if anyone else is experiencing anything remotely similar!

Can't wait for 2nd trimester, when apparently all this gets better.

Your ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

Alexis x
Hi ye I was feeling like that my so called friends,I have learnt really arent friends n not worth bothering with. Im talking my long term friends here aswell I dont know if its jelousy or what. As long as you have your family thats all that matters hun. But I know how you feel I was quite down for a bit but im fine now just think about what you have to look forward to. Could be over sensitive too at mo. xxx
I heard ages ago that when your pregnant you learn who your true friends are! That's exactly how it feels ATM with me, even my so called best friend hasn't bothered with me since I found at I'm pregnant, not even a congrats!! Chin up though hun cos within the next 9 months were have something much important than them!! x x
sorry to say but second trim dont always get much better, its been worse then trim one for me :(
I'm all over the place, I can't wait to tell my bosses so they'll understand why I've been so tetchy!!!

My hubby has days where he just stays away from me cos he's scared of me as well, lol!!
Lol I am shocked at the people thst I really valued as pals, totally nothing said, and the most hurtful part is they rang me the other day to see if the place we usually go for social time is open on a Tuesday, as we are standing outside and no ones opened it! Well thst was a fat kick in the stomach to know all my best pals wen out without me, not inviting me and then ringing to find out if it is open! Blooming cheek if you ask me. Can't believe it, I actually would never do that. God I can't wait to have my baby, at least I won't have time for them anymore, and all our little ones will come first no matter what! Sorry for the rant, just annoyed. X
Lol I am shocked at the people thst I really valued as pals, totally nothing said, and the most hurtful part is they rang me the other day to see if the place we usually go for social time is open on a Tuesday, as we are standing outside and no ones opened it! Well thst was a fat kick in the stomach to know all my best pals wen out without me, not inviting me and then ringing to find out if it is open! Blooming cheek if you ask me. Can't believe it, I actually would never do that. God I can't wait to have my baby, at least I won't have time for them anymore, and all our little ones will come first no matter what! Sorry for the rant, just annoyed. X

I don't blame you, they don't derserve you!
When i was pregnant with my son i cried all the time he just turned two and i still cry over the smallest things, hope it gets better for you.
As for friends when your pregnant you lose alot gain a few just do whats best for you and dont stress to much xx congrats
I had a nice little breakdown on Saturday, I was overtired, hot and my hubby was late to pick me up to take to me to my acupuncture session as he was picking up band stuff, I was really crying. Oh well!
I had a nice little breakdown on Saturday, I was overtired, hot and my hubby was late to pick me up to take to me to my acupuncture session as he was picking up band stuff, I was really crying. Oh well!

God it's not nice is it! Pregnancy is blooming difficult! Glad i'm not the only one x
I've only told a few of my friends, but I've been taken aback by how amazing some of them have been. I've only told my closest friends so far though, so they're the ones who've always been there for me. I'm sure some of the ones I'm less close to may end up drifting away.

But as for being emotional! Oh my god... I cry at everything! I cried at DIY:SOS the other day! :blush:

I've always been prone to tears anyway, but it seems that there's nothing I won't cry at now.
ive noticed who my friends are and who arent. same goes for family. the friends i spoke to nearly every day have distanced themselves from me like i have the plague and but its ok. my chin is up and i have bigger fish to fry, i just hope they dont try to re-appear when the baby turns up. i dont like sometime-ish people.
im really moody, mood swings are bad. im suprised my OH hasnt flipped. im so rude n snappy. dont wanna be touched, barely wanna have sex, jus dont want andything but to be left alone. yet he is still so sweet and loving. i know im a moody cow i just know how to control the emotions.

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