advice needed please


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi all

sorry i haven't been on here a lot lately but some of you might know that we've been having big troubles with our daughter sleeping (my post got deleted when the site got hijacked so i dont know who or if anyone read it)

Anyway i've been under a lot of stress and been so busy, i guess you could say overdoing things to a degree but i just wondered if braxton hicks are the same as tightenings and if so how often should i be getting them?

The last few days literally EVERY time i get up from sitting position, go up or down stairs, even just sitting still or basically doing whatever my tummy just keeps going tight, i have no pain as such with them, well sometimes i get a little discomfort but not like a real contraction but i keep getting this stitch type pain on my lower right hand side that really hurts, if i get it when i'm sitting, when i get up i can hardly stand up until it eases off. I took 2 paracetamol yesterday as it was quite bad.

I've got my 31 wk app with doc on thursday so will mention it to her then but just wondered if it seems normal to you all.

I know i've had 3 kids b4 but i've forgotten most of the symptoms etc, i feel a lot like i'm not even gonna make it till xmas let alone another 10 weeks the way things are going.

any advice would be much appreciated.

MIDNA - been checking on you hun, hope demonseed appears soon for you :pray:
This is my third, and you are exactly right, you really do forget an abundance of symptoms.

My BH started coming really early on, and I have to say I think they were worse from 25-30 weeks than they are now. But I don't know if that is because my tummy is hard so much of the time now that I'm just used to it and only feel the real humdingers!

Isn't it funny too how your brain IMMEDIATELY after the birth makes you think 'wow, that wasn't so bad after all' and then about six weeks before you give birth to another one it starts remembering! I'm cr*pping it now!!!!!!!!!!
don't know about BH as such as 1st preg and still have 5 weeks to go but it does sound like you're over doing it. So (sure you're hearing this all the time) try and chill a bit more. :hug:
I started with BH's around 17/18 weeks.... and that was through over doing it... I get them all the time now tbh... I'll have maybe 10 a day in total. :think: I don't count them really because they are exactly as you describe... not painful, but can be quite uncomfortable sometimes...

Also the stitch thing... that's been happening to me quite a lot recently.. I had one on Saturday, it was right at the top of my bump in the middle, but it felt like it was on my left side.. but when you poked around the bump it was at the top :think: It was really quite bad too... I took to putting a tiny bit of this muscle cream the doc gave me for my back... and it just vanished in seconds... :think:

Your right about the symptoms though.. you do forget... I can clearly remember the last few weeks with Tia because the trauma has been etched on my brain, but for the life of me I can't remember the bit before :shock: I just know that things are ok because they just feel natural... if you get my meaning.
I have just started having BH and I'm only 18 weeks. The midwife dismissed it when I said I was havng them as she said it was too early. This is my third pregnancy and I know what they feel like and I had them very strongly with Tim, they used to take my breath away. These are definitely BH and I dread to think how strong they're gonna get.

Hope your daughter is ok and you take it easy honey, I'm thinking about you.XX
I started getting BH at about 15 weeks. They have become more frequent in the third tri and although they're not painful, they can sometimes take my breath away and are a bit uncomfortable. Sometimes I get them as much as every 10 mins for up to an hour or so and then they subside.

I find resting and drinking plenty of fluids helps. Stress can definitely make them worse.

I asked my doctor and he said that real contractions are very different and as I've not gone into labour or anything so far, despite the frequent BH, not to worry about them.

I guess everyone is different.
Thanks everyone for your replys, it means a lot.

Guess i don't have to worry now as it sounds pretty normal. I'll just have to try taking things easy.

labour vibes to all of you who are due or overdue

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