Hormonal over the dog!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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I know everyone's pets are so special and part of the family but oh my am I feeling it! My OH's collie is nearly 6 and I love her to bits. Problem is I keep getting these horrible moments thinking about our baby growing up and eventually the dog not being part of our family. I know it's nature and no one/nothing lives forever but it's really upsetting me. We were talking earlier about when our baby is gowing up and turns 16 and it hit me again that our puppy likely won't be here by then and it fills me with dread. My OH thinks my maternal instinct is kicking in but oh my, I can't stand the thought of her not being part of our family. I was in tears earlier!
Silly, I know!
Are bless you - amazing how ruled we become with these hormones! I've done nothing but cry the last few days - think they must reach a high about this time like they did in tri 1 x
Awww, We got our german shepherd Leo when Nell was 9 months old and they have grown up together so I know what you mean. Can't imagine the day when he's no longer there slobbering over her empty yoghurt pots and acting aas her personal pillow!!
My Dad's dog Mobus has just been diagnosed with Epilepsy but I doubt thats whats wrong as his back legs seem to have given up. I was there today and he was zonked out from the tablets and Rosie stroked his belly really gently and gave him a flower to smell (as she does), he lifted his head up to look at her - it was very emotional. I would love her to have grown up with him but it seems as if old age is taking its toll now :cry:
Aw, glad I'm not alone, pets become so much part of the family!!
my parents had a dog they had from when he was a puppy before they had me, and I was 3 when he died. I don't remember much of him but my mum has pictures of me and Khyber together and gets very emotional when she talks about him. He used to guard my cot and look after me, but sadly was diagnosed when cancer when he was 6, he should have been around a lot longer :( They did get another dog but not until I was about 9, they didn't do it before then because they were completely heartbroken!!

I can't stand the thought of our pets not being around to see our children grow up, they've been my furry babies for so long, and I just want us all to me one big happy family! Sad I know!

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