Hormonal and emotional

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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So today is my birthday and all I've wanted to do is have a good cry, which I have a couple of times already. I feel as though everyone has just thought 'emmas birthday isn't a big deal this year, she can't do much since she's having baby soon'.
My OH gave me some money towards iPad last month and gave me money today for clothes To buy once baby is here which I know is so so generous. Everyone else like sis in law, mil and my brother have given me money. I picked a bag from my mum and she also got me other bits n bobs. I appreciate how generous everyone has been but it's like nobody could be arsed to pick me a present. It's probably me just being hormonal and sensitive but I cant wait for OH to go to bed so I can have a good cry.
My bro didn't even come see me, he's dropping my card off at my mums tomorrow. My friends didn't even text me until they seen on Facebook that it was my birthday.
Please don't think I'm being ungrateful, cos I really appreciate the money everyone has given me. I'm just being really sensitive and needed to get it out on this.
My friends just don't bother with me anymore :( xxx
Aww, maybe people are just giving you money cos they think it'll be most useful at the moment and you'll want to treat yourself once the baby comes, not that they can't be bothered. You might just be having a down day - the other week I had a day where I just cried all day, for nothing in particular, just sat at work and then on the sofa on the night crying big ploppy tears over nothing.
To be honest I think your right cantstop, I'm prob being over sensitive and people especially my OH are just trying to make me feel better after babies born by giving me money.
I am mad at my friends though, every bday we all do something like lunch or a nightout for whoevers bday it is but my bday seems to have been dismissed this year. I can't wait until today is over xx
Yeah it's a bit shit of your friends, they could have sorted a lunch for you. Are they a bit scared of you as pregnant? If you're the first one of them to get pg they might not know what to do for the best?
Nah another one of our friends had a baby few years ago. I don't know what's up with them, im sick of it. They go 'oh I'll be an auntie' but can't send a text to ask how I am. It times like this you realise who are truly there for you and who aren't. Xx
Ah, tomorrow is another day and it won't seem so bad then. Have a good cry and you'll feel much better.
You know it's the hormones playing havock. Rose x
Nah another one of our friends had a baby few years ago. I don't know what's up with them, im sick of it. They go 'oh I'll be an auntie' but can't send a text to ask how I am. It times like this you realise who are truly there for you and who aren't. Xx

Unfortunately that's so true, but in a few months u won't have time to worrie about so call friends etc that act like there summat but don't make the mark, it sorts the good from the bad n always remember what they say- if u can count good good friends on one hand ur doing ok

An yer u prob do feel a little sensitive with hormones etc, I remember with my son who was born in October when it was Xmas n my bday in Jan I just got lots of things for baby or to help with baby, nothing for me? No usually undies or perfume?? I remember I was soooo up set when I was on my own I thought hoo no there's no more me etc but it passes x
Your right nadine. When my baby is here he will be my main priority and my so called friends can do what they like. I said something about how this bday will be a bit rubbish cos cant go out and stuff and my friend made a comment about how I'll be able to go to there bday nights out, there bdays are in June when I'll just had baby. That's how stupid they are, they think I'll seriously be up for a nightout a week after baby has arrived. Some of them don't have a clue. My OH cousin who has recently had a baby has shown more friendship towards me in the last few months than what they have. I'm going to start meeting up with her more as we have a lot more in common and stay close to each other.

I had my good cry about half hour ago when my OH was being nice and asking what's up. I just can't wait to have baby so hopefully my hormones will calm down a bit. My pregnancy has been a rolercoaster of emotions, never cried so much in my life haha xx
I hope you're feeling better today Emma. I think you do start to realise who your true friends are when you are pregnant. xx
Emma I totally understand what u mean. It was my birthday a few weeks ago an my OH was the only one who got me a gift! Everyone else just gave me money too. Whereas usually they make an effort, I realise now they were just a bit stuck an trying to be helpful!

My friends were the same as yours, we always do something but I just got messages through facebook. (Apart from one who is in Bristol and still managed to make more of an effort!)

I was gonna make a thread about this... My aunty from London sent me, an 8piece set of newborn stuff from debenhams and left a note inside the parcel saying, your so difficult to buy for, we thought u would appreciate something for the baby a bit more! Of course I do appreciate it and can laugh now but at the time I was annoyed especially coz usually they put money in a card so don't even buy anything!

Hope your feeling better today xxxx
i was the same. it was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and just felt like any other day. i was very upset but just left them all to it.

i organised my 4d scan on my birthday so spent the day with oh and little man which was perfect. made me feel better.

a huge happy birthday for yesterday though and hopeully next year it will be extra special as bubs will be there with you aswell. xxx
Thanks girls. Feel a wee bit better today, tbh my emotions are so bad just now I find it really easy to get down in the dumps. I'm not getting annoyed with the clutter in my house, it isn't even that bad but I'm getting stressed that it all needs to be cleared by the end of today. I'm now sitting out on my front door step waiting on the sunning coming out the clouds to cheer me up haha xx
Hey hun, just read this; am sorry, I can appreciate how you feel though. Since being pregnant everyone hs been interested in when the baby comes and forgotton about me and what I want! Actually it matters not what I want it seems to some...

I had a good cry yesterday feeling a little like you did...

Your not alone in that feeling hun.. xxxxxxx
They go 'oh I'll be an auntie' but can't send a text to ask how I am. It times like this you realise who are truly there for you and who aren't. Xx

Went through this with my first - lots of 'ahhhhh yer having a baby! Cute!' but not much else.

I was pregnant the 2nd birthday after I had my first and didn't know it and had an awful time trying to eat my Chiquitos and drink my cocktails, and then went to the club to discover no one had bothered to come. Last birthday I was obviously pregnant (well, not obvious to you - my bday is 7th oct. there, now you know, lol) and a few peeps managed to travel from all over to come see me, but the majority were skint or whatever because of the huge 30th tour of a band we all like in common. Who have now announced a week's tour starting 3 days after my bday this year. I'm so fecked off. But have asked my OH if we and Daisy can get cheap flights to Spain for the weekend to visit his friends who are expecting their little boy at the end of august. Cuz I know there's no point arranging anything else!!!

I don't usually get presents etc from people, despite the amount of people I know. I always try to at least send a card to people though, if I know in advance.

Re your hormones etc, the really littlest slightest thing at the moment sets me off, ridiculously smallest of things. So I can sympathise! But I do think it would have been nice if your friends could have asked you out for dinner. Maybe they thought at this late stage that you might not want to. Who knows.

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