Honestly now . . . is anyone scared?

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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Right old rollercoaster of emotion this week and today its fear. :(

I'm scared of giving birth, of being a crap Mum, of Hubby not showing the enthusiam he should be, of doing something stupid that could harm the baby like falling over or crashing my car, of the controlling yet completely irresponsible MIL when the baby is actually born.

But most of all I'm scared because I can't control what the hell is happening to me emotionally. Normally if I've got the ump I'll give myself a stern telling off and get over it but these days I just get more and more annoyed and stressed. The more I moan at Hubby the more annoyed I get with myself. :shakehead:

I know it's to be expected (it says so in my book so it must be true :lol: ) but please tell me I'm not alone. :pray:
I'm scared of there being nothing there at scan, of having to cope on my own from 4 months pg to 8 months pg as my hubby is away for 4 months :cry: and I'm scared of going into labour as the MWs told me I wasnt in labour the last time so gave me no pain relief until I told them the baby was coming out and they realised I was telling the truth. By then it was too late for any pain relief :shakehead:
I'm scared too but i would rather be scared than not care tbh. I'm scared that i won't know what i am doing but also know that it will hopefully come naturally and that there is loads of help online and from family and friends and stuff so we won't be on our own.
See now tomorrow I bet we'll be like: yeah it's all fine and we're going to be great!

But today I just want to cry and cry (have once already today!) and sleep and sleep and sleep :bored: :sleep:
I'm scared i'll have this 24/7 morning sickness for the rest of my life as I cant see it going away :?

I'm not really scared about the birth as such but thats cos in my head it'll not hurt and i'll just be like watching the tv and having a laugh with hubby and the m/w when ooh out it'll pop! No big deal :rotfl:

My mum said yesterday I should have it in hospital at my age and with it being a first there could be complications :roll: yeh whatever :talkhand:

I'm also a bit nervous of the first scan and there not being anything there.
I am absolutely worrying myself to the point where I've just took another pregnancy test to make sure its real. Although it was a cheapy and it was only light, whereas the other two I've had (Clearblue and Sainsbury's own) were bright the other day.. Is this normal?? :cry: I really hope that it goes okay for us all :hug:
you cant compare different brand tests as the strengths are all different. I'm sure everything is fine.
I was looking at the ones on fertility friend and you can only compare brand for brand.
I avoided the 'line' tests for this very reason - CB Digital for me either I am or I'm not.

Don't torture yourself hon, no more testing for you! :lol:
I'm scared about giving birth LOL although this is my second time but i am a complete wreck! i made everyone laugh last time as I was soo scared and almost going to cry when the Dr was inserting the gel to get me induced :lol: she was like (oh no nothing started yet, wait till u get to labour)! LOL! actually i don't want to scare any one but labour isn't as bad as it sounds! but it's soo tiring and energy consuming and that's the worst part I guess. the pain u can control by choosing a pain relief option.
But what I am terrified about really is having another baby where my first will be only 12 months! :?
Just had another look at the test. Both as bright as one another, I am just too impatient :cheer: OH said I was 'stupid'... :oops:
youre not stupid... or we all are! i took a later test too as was having a paranoid day! put hubbys mind at ease too as it was a really good test line.
i stopped taking my temperature early on as i was getting freaked by that.
soemtiems its best to just not know and go with the flow.
I know yeah, looking forward to seeing my doctor and booking in for my scan. I have little bouts of nervousness where I am worried about baby, but I'm trying not to panic too much because obviously that isn't going to be healtht for either of us! I'll only start to calm down when I can feel it.
i cant wait for my scan, partly to see if there is just one in there more than anything!
I think second tri is the best to be in, i'm sure we'll all be a lot calmer and positive when we get there :hug:
then 3rd gets scary :?
Scared? More like terrified! I have my scan in 10 days and i am terrified. I was awake at 3:30 this morning worrying about it. Ate some biscuits at 4:00am and was up being sick by 7:00am so am shattered this morning. I tell my DH that i'm nervous about the scan and he asks 'why, could there be something wrong?' so i end up reassuring him that i'm sure all is ok. I got my doppler out last night and found the heartbeat again so felt better. Then i get worried - what if it's not the heartbeat I'm hearing at all (not sure what else it could be though). I really can't wait to have my scan, find out all is ok :pray: and tell everyone at work so i can have some sympathy for being so ill :lol:
Just read my last post...

Sorry, didn't mean to moan like that! Apart from all the worry and normal pregnancy symptoms I am fine. In fact, I would say that I am more excited and thrilled than scared at the moment! So maybe we should have a thread "Honestly now.... is anyone really happy to be pregnant?" because YES I AM!
meandthebump said:
Just read my last post...
So maybe we should have a thread "Honestly now.... is anyone really happy to be pregnant?" because YES I AM!

:lol: We could but eventually it would turn into: 'Honestly now . . is anyone really happy but . . . ' which will be tomorrows emotion of the day no doubt! :rotfl:

I'm not worried about the scan (yet :roll: ) because there is nothing I can do about it - it was worry about what's to come in the months years ahead that is troubling me today. Tomorrow it will be 'why aren't I worried about the scan - am I abnormal day' followed by Sunday: 'get me another test day' :rotfl:
Im just scared Ill do something wrong like forget to support its head and that will really damadge 'it' (I feel bad saying it :lol:)
Im scared about the labour but also kinda excited, my mum told me to milk it cause its the one time Im allowed to be selfish :lol: So just to make myself laugh in labour even if its the pains not that bad Im gonna scream my head off. lol
Im also scared about silly things like I wont no how to work the steriliser and I wont sterilise the bottles properly and the baby will get ill or it will have a tempeture and I wont no what to do about it :lol:
I have more worrys but I cant be bothered to right them all out cause there silly lol
Hey ladies,
Well i honestly am not worried about anything to be honest, i feel very laid back surprisingly, can't believe it - maybe cause we're moving house, my mind is preoccupied :think: ...looking forward to gettin this whole ordeal of packing over and done with to be honest.
All thats annoying me really at the minute is the sore boobies , its really hilarious when i get up in the morning, before i straighten myself up, i have to cup myself to support them, cause the gravity seems to pull on them so hard, anyone else got them bad ???
Mind u they have got bigger, my wee handfuls are only a 32B so they're nicely enlarging, OH is loving that part although he can't tough them AT ALL cause they too sore :rotfl: .
(I am scared of the labour part but am not thinking about it whatsoever, in actual fact what i am trying to do is forget that i am pregnant and hopefully time will slip by before i know it ).
I take my bra off at the very last minute and have to hold them up with one arm whilst getting dressed with the other as they are so sore. Leaning over to get in the bath doesn't feel too pleasent either. :cry:

Mine have gone from an F to GG so gravity is having a field day with them at the moment. :lol:

I'm thinking the forget about it part is a good idea then BAM you'll be 8 months pregnant without a care in the world. :dance: (who are we kidding???)

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