Homemade food vs ready made


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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I am curious to know who makes their babies food and who buys jars/ready made or both.

I am going to try making my own, freezing it etc and will give jars a couple times a week to introduce different tastes.

Which food makes are the best, Heinz, Cow & Gate, etc. (My only concern is about sugar & salt in them though)
I would say 70/30 in favour of the jars with Jes and Joe will probably be the same. I was back to work when she was 4 months and it was easier. I dont read the sides of jars or whats in a thing, im maybe too easygoing in that respect but she does eat a shedload of fruit and I would consider her to be a healthy eater.
I do make Jamie's food up & freeze it but I do buy jars sometimes to try different flavours first before I make up a whole batch of homemade, just incase he turns his nose up.
I tend to buy the desserts more than dinners. He loves the Heinz chocolate pudding & strawberry cheesecake (so do I!!) also if I know I'm going out all day, tins are easy to transport.

He does eat more homemade stuff than jars/tins tho.
I only give Arianna home made stuff except for the babyrice and a banana brekfast thing...

Once I know she likes something I make a big batch and then freeze it in little containers.

S. xx
Ive made Kaiden home made food, made in bulk i labelled them and froze them, as his appetite grew ive been making him whatever we have he had a very watered down version of chicken fahitas last night, he loved it, only time hes had a jar well a mums own (pot) is when weve had to go out for the day and couldnt reheat the thawed out homemade stuff. Just have to try and make sure your own doesnt have added salt or sugar in them, find myself lookin at sauces for ages in the shops trying to work out salt, sugar and colour/flavouring additives XkelX
matthew always has and always will eat home made food, I tried him on a jar once and he refused to eat it and I dont blame him it smelt rank and what I dont understand is why everything is so orange when I did mixed veg it was never that orange!
i never make home made food other then stew and dumpling.
Thanks girls.

I have felt very worried about when the time comes, I will obviously try her first on baby rice. I have the Annabel Karmel book and Im hoping to make Isabellas food homemade as much as possible.

I bought some of those rubbery bibs yesterday which collects dropped food as someone told me that carrot is a nightmare to get out of clothes. I also bought some Frutpura by Cow & Gate yesterday aswell.
I watchedb this programmea while ago with our friend and hunk richard hammond and he had to eat only food that had nothing added to itat all. it wasreally difficut for him to find foodstuffs that were completely free of additives etc. Even sausages from the butchers had added ingrediants.

In an ideal world I would like to be able to make more homemade than I do but there are so many others things to be doing and with the 2 of them time is not on my side most days :lol:
My kids hated the jar dinners, im not suprised, they all taste the same!! What ever dinner i used to make (apart from quick chip meals) i would blend and freeze. Stew was a fave and also fish and parsley sauce with mash and veg xx
When Aaron was younger I used tins of baby food but as he got older and had things with lumps he started eating what we eat. He hasn't had tins of food since he was about 8 months now. I just make things up and freeze them.
I made all mine up yesterday

4 sweet potatos did a whole tray and half of ice cubes
4 apples did the same
3 carrots only did 6 cubes

so i am about a months worth all ready haha

So far I've only given Isaac home made, I intend to do that as much as possible and only use jars occassionally. I don't want him getting a sweet tooth so I'm reluctant to buy the jars of desserts just yet. I think he prefers the veg more than the fruit at the moment. When I start him on brekkie, I'm just going to give him weetabix.

I don't find it much of a strain to puree his food up so far. DH is very hands on so it shouldn't be a prob when I'm back at work. As soon as he's old enough he can eat what we're eating, we eat quite healthily most of the time.

It's so handy to be able to just take cubes of food out of the freezer and it makes me feel so much better knowing that he's getting a good introduction to healthy foods.
Brody had only homemade for aaaages, but not he's at a funny age where we are eating lots of casseroles and stuff which is quite salty, so he tends to have more jars now whe I don't have time to make up batches of food.

If I do a dinner (which i do most nights, eg sausage and mash or pasta etc I will put aside what i can for the next day. Today I saved carrots, brocolli and mash for him, I will mix if with something interesting tomorrow.

Here's a tip:

When I made bolognaise I used to try it with Brody and he used to gag on it cos the meat was too tough for him. My friend suggested I try TURKEY mince! I did it and he absolutley LOVES it, and even we prefer it to the beef version :D

I do 50/50 for Kiara used to do all fresh , home cooked but too tired nowadays :lol:

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