Homemade Vs Jars

i make all finleys food from fresh and freeze it x its mainly the veg we have with our dinner which is steamed so no salt added and he has fresh fruit, with my older 2 who are 15 and 16 i gave jars as i wouldnt of known where to start making it lol x x

he is nearly 5 months so in about a month im going to combine this with blw and see how it goes, need to read up on it a bit more first.
Hi Lulu - how's it going?

Tom has been doing some excellent finger foods recently - im at my parents and they just give him stuff even a ginger biscuit today and he ate the lot (i was pretending not to watch because i dont agree)! Still giving him Readybrek and Weetabix every morning..

How is Poppy?

Hi! :wave:

Re: the ginger biscuit; my Dad's wife gave Poppy one of those pink wafers which I wasn't too pleased about but she scoffed the lot!

I've been giving her ready brek with fruit for breakfast or mashed pear and blueberries (which she loves). I've been trying not to use any ready made sauces in my cooking so she can eat what we're eating.

She's doing great, thanks. I can't believe she'll be 8 months old on Thursday. Still no teeth! :lol:

How're you and little Thomas? x

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