Homebirth confirmed


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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After much hassle with the referral to a different area I have finally had the midwives confirm that I will be having a homebirth!!!! :cheer: :shock: :cheer: :dance: :shock:

They are delivering my pack on wednesday; but not the gas. If I go into labour before I move house on Saturday they will bring it with them, if not they will deliver to me at the new house in advance.

They also said they don't routinely do pethedine and I'd need to get GP to prescribe but in their experience I won't need it... i think ill look for some opinions in ask a mum but would love to hear your experiences with/without pethedine at home!

Yikes! Reality is begining to set in

Get taking your raspberry leaf tablets etc - I'm now scared I'll not get my homebirth because I'll go over the deadline - only a week to go :(
Good luck! I would love to have a home birth but I am too high risk apparently :roll:
I hope you really enjoy the experience, it sounds lovely. :cheer:
I would get the pethidine in just in case. It will be good to have around just in case the gas and airs not enough. It's better to have it and not use it.

I had it for my labour with James. Though I think that was largely to do with me getting scared when I got to hospital and found my mum who was my birth partner couldn't stay with me. I panicked and I think that affected my ability to cope.
You'll probably be much more relaxed at home.

Congrats on getting everything confirmed! :cheer: :cheer:
thats great :clap:

i was surprised i got my home birth ok'd so easily. I last saw my home-district midwife at 27 weeks, i called her up and said could i book a home birth and she said thats fine, without ever having seen me since!!! funny how different they all are.

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