The house move went really well and have been settlling in with OH nicely. The day after I moved in the midwife bought the gas and air round which has been sitting in the bedroom just waiting... Yesterday she said that the head was still free and she wanted to the doctor to check me.
Stupid consultant and senior doctor prodded me lots and declared it wont be safe to have a homebirth. I was on my own as OH had to work in Nottingham today and burst into tears
I am so dissapointed because its been such a battle to get this homebirth agreed to in the first place made more complicated by the house move. I don't want to do anything to risk baby and I wish something would just bloody happen now.
Stupid consultant and senior doctor prodded me lots and declared it wont be safe to have a homebirth. I was on my own as OH had to work in Nottingham today and burst into tears

I am so dissapointed because its been such a battle to get this homebirth agreed to in the first place made more complicated by the house move. I don't want to do anything to risk baby and I wish something would just bloody happen now.