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no homebirth after all


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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The house move went really well and have been settlling in with OH nicely. The day after I moved in the midwife bought the gas and air round which has been sitting in the bedroom just waiting... Yesterday she said that the head was still free and she wanted to the doctor to check me.

Stupid consultant and senior doctor prodded me lots and declared it wont be safe to have a homebirth. I was on my own as OH had to work in Nottingham today and burst into tears :(

I am so dissapointed because its been such a battle to get this homebirth agreed to in the first place made more complicated by the house move. I don't want to do anything to risk baby and I wish something would just bloody happen now. :wall:
:hug: :hug: Oh no that sucks :( Did they say why you cant? Is it because the head is still free? Maybe you could get a second opinion.
Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: It's a shame they've said no right at the last minute.
Oh no!! sorry to hear that you can't have the homebirth you wanted. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hate it when you are expecting something then last minute you get told it won't happen so I can imagine how upset you must be. Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awwww :hug: :hug:

And hmmmm :think:

Why did they advise against a homebirth? I've been advised not to by the registrar at my 34 week scan but I'm going ahead anyway. I have the support of my MW and will transfer to hospital if there is the slightest sign of a problem.

I also posted about why the Doc advised against etc. They basically are going on a tick list and if there is even one thing checked off, they will advise against homebirth regardless. But you don't have to go along with what they have said. Baby may engage anytime. Do some reading and get informed as to what is what. My Doctor was all doom and gloom and gave me all the worst case scenarios. Of course I listened but I don't have to take his advice. But it did deflate me a bit for a few days. My hubby has been brilliant and has talked through it all with me and still wants me to try for a homebirth also. He knows why and is supporting me. Plus I trust my MW as she has cared for me since 24 weeks and feels confident in things.

I am still going to try for homebirth and if I feel the need to transfer to actually deliver then I shall.

All is not lost for you and a homebirth I feel. Drop me a PM if you want :)
they said they would not advise it because the head is not engaged and this could mean the cord or arm etc may come first and also because baby is measuring big so shoulders could get stuck.

Also the new house is not very near to the hospital. I'm living in Glossop and depending on the time of day it could take a good half hour or more to get me to a hospital. I would never forgive myself if something happened because I was stubborn but I know ill be annoyed if everything is plain sailing.

Thank you for the hugs - am going to eat lots of chocolate tonight and then some fresh pineappler... that should cheer me up or bring labour on, I dont mind which!!

Are you able to labour the first stage at home still though? Even if you take yourself in to actually deliver? Is your homebirth MW happy to come out and check on you etc and let you know when it would be good to head off to hospital? Rather than going in too soon and being stuck there.

Shoulder dystocia (actual true cases of it) appear to be rare. MW's are trained to help babies when they get a bit stuck at the shoulders. They change your position etc so as to open your hips and allow the shoulders through. True cases of it happening seem to be far less documented.

My baby is measuring big apparently (and so am I :lol: :roll: ) hence me being advised to deliver in hospital.

My main thing is to not have medical intervention unless really needed. I have no desire to be sped up by drip etc or have constant monitoring which stops me from moving round freely. So if I do deliver in hospital by choice I'll be pretty firm on this so long as labour is going well. I'm also prepared for other situations and will deal with those if they happen.

Have a bit of you time and think things over. I felt a lot better today than I did yesterday after what happened on Monday. I had the wind taken out of my sails but I've bounced back again.

Have some more of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
heles7 said:
I'm living in Glossop and depending on the time of day it could take a good half hour or more to get me to a hospital. I would never forgive myself if something happened because I was stubborn but I know ill be annoyed if everything is plain sailing.

Ooh Glossop! I used to live in Oldham and my friend from school was from Glossop - I also have pictures of Victorian Hadfield on my wall in this room!!!

So where's your nearest hospital? Tameside? Surely it wouldn't take an hour and a half?!?!?!

We are in the sticks too exactly 25 minutes from the big hospital and 30 from the midwife-based unit. It just means we'll have to be super careful and leave early if needs be.

I'm so sorry it's bad news about the homebirth hun; that sucks :hug:
I would have a chat with your midwife (without the doctor there) and see how she feels. I had planned a homebirth from the moment I got my BFP but ended up in hospital at 36 weeks with high blood pressure. Even though my bp had dropped back to normal by 38 weeks the doc at the hospital told me I couldn't have my homebirth.

I had a long chat with the community midwife who said stay at home and get the midwife to check me out there when I first go into labour. If there are any problems they will tell me to go into hospital anyway, if not there's no problem having baby at home.

I ended up having a fantastic home birth & don't regret my decision to stay at home for a second.

Also, my sister had shoulder dystocia with her last baby, she was 10lb born. She had planned a homebirth and was told there shouldn't be a problem with it. When it happened it was a shock and very painful but she still had her at home & didn't even have to transfer in afterwards. So even if that did happen it's not always serious.

Obviously it's completely up to you & you need to feel happy and comfortable when you're in labour but do at least talk to the midwife & see what she suggests.

Hope it all goes well for you :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear about the homebirth hun, i'd be upset too if they said that to me. As Sherry said, maybe you can do a lot of the labouring at home and only pop to the hospital for the delivery side, and then hopefully you can be out within hours :D

Chin up hun, most important things is you and your LO being safe and well :D xxxx

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