Home/water births?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I was watching some home births on the discovery channel today, and although the women seemed to be in a bit more pain then those in hospital it seemed alot calmer...

Has anyone here had a homebirth and if so what did you think? Would you do it again, or never again, did you preffer it to a hospital birth?

And what about water births either in our out of hospital whats the pros and cons, would be really interested to know :)

I had a water birth in hospital and in fact most of my labour was spent in a bath!

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... hp?t=45109

I thought it was good as it took a lot of pressure off my back, and a lot of pressure off in general and was relaxing - well as relaxing as labour can be!! I'd really recommend it and would definately do it again. Let me know if you want to know anything more about my water birth :)

Oh and cons, you can't have epidural/tens because, well obviously, you're in a pool and not hooked up to a bed. I just had the pool and gas and air, but if you're wanting all the drugs you can get, it's probly not the best choice for you :)

michelle x

ps did I mention it was good? :)
Hi Sharne,

I had a home water birth (so both!) six weeks ago with no drugs (tens and water for pain relief) and would sooo recommend it - my birth story for you to read is here.

Please PM me for more info or if you'd like to chat more. I could talk about this subject until the cows come home!

Valentine xxx
I had a homebirth and I would highly recommend one. I used primarily a TENS machine and a gym ball (bought from Argos for a few quid). The second midwife turned up about 30mins before Ellie was born with the gas and air. However this was mainly because Ellie was in such a hurry (official labour time of 2hrs 15min). I did have a bath for a bit but it got too painful to lie back after a while and I had to be sitting forward on my gym ball.

I personally hate hospitals and I know I was far more relaxed by having a home birth. I did have to transfer to hospital after Ellie was born because I had complicated tears. They can normally do these at home, however we came straight home afterwards which was good.

If you have any complications they won't let you have a home birth, however if everything is normal I think it is the best way.
Thanks so much for the info girlies!

Would you say its more or less painful being at home? or does it not really make a difference because you feel more comfy...

I also think what if i have a home birth and the postman comes knocking or the phone keeps ringing lmao! Probably the last thing on your mind!
Sharne said:
I also think what if i have a home birth and the postman comes knocking or the phone keeps ringing lmao! Probably the last thing on your mind!

I would think you wouldn't even notice. LOL
leckershell said:
Sharne said:
I also think what if i have a home birth and the postman comes knocking or the phone keeps ringing lmao! Probably the last thing on your mind!

I would think you wouldn't even notice. LOL

Your baby is lovely :)
Just as I was pushing our phone kept ringing. It was my MIL. They had been desperately insistant we let them know when I went into labour, so hubby did text his sister to let everybody else know. So what do they do, they phone up (muppets). Andrew ignored the first 2 times, answered the third time to basically tell them to stop ringing and we will call them back.

I can't compare as I didn't have a hospital birth and from what I have heard even if I did each birth is different any way. However all the research I did pointed at labour's being shorter and there being less (need for) intervention with homebirths. I am sure some of that if you have more freedom to move around and be in the position you want / need to be. However that is just my personal feeling.

If you are considering it, I would speak to your MW. The biggest problem is if there are enough midwifes available when you go into labour. I was soo lucky to get a midwife. While he was on his way to me, he got a call from the hospital to try and get him to go into the ward as they were so busy. I believe they closed the ward that night (again) because they had so many people in labour.
I really like the idea of a water birth , I will have to have a chat with my Midwife.

Does it depend on the hospital if you can have a water birth? Can you say beforehand that it is what you want or does it depend on avaliability when you go into labour?
Sharne said:
Would you say its more or less painful being at home? or does it not really make a difference because you feel more comfy...

I can't say Sharne as I haven't had a hospital birth - I just know that due to my own situation (all info in my birth story - link in my sig below) and I had had to go to hospital, I would have had to have had intervention which, in my opinion, would have no doubt led to more intervention (a vicious circle). Being able to manage things myself in my own environment made the pain okay, if that makes sense. I was in extreme pain during my labour but it WAS manageable. I managed it without drugs and I'm a wuss.

At home I was so so relaxed and this was so lovely about having a home birth (again more info in my birth story). You need to have someone that's willing to do the gross bits of clearing up (midwives won't do it all). I wouldn't worry about the phone ringing - many labours are during the night anyway - but turn your mobile off and ignore the phone and someone else can go to the door if the doorbell goes (even dispatch a midwife!) or ignore it, it doesn't matter. You go into your own world too - I was worried about fixating on housework that needed done, but you just can't think about anything else except the pain and concentrating on your contractions.
I hope this helps

Valentine xxx
laura-82 said:
I really like the idea of a water birth , I will have to have a chat with my Midwife.

Does it depend on the hospital if you can have a water birth? Can you say beforehand that it is what you want or does it depend on avaliability when you go into labour?

I'm sure it's dependant on the hospital - depends how busy they are maybe? I was told that only some midwifes at my hospital were water birth trained, and it was pot luck which midwifes were on when I arrived in labour. Luckily I had a midwife who was trained in it, so woo :cheer: but best find out from your hospital/midwife what the plan is in your hospital..
leckershell said:
laura-82 said:
I really like the idea of a water birth , I will have to have a chat with my Midwife.

Does it depend on the hospital if you can have a water birth? Can you say beforehand that it is what you want or does it depend on avaliability when you go into labour?

I'm sure it's dependant on the hospital - depends how busy they are maybe? I was told that only some midwifes at my hospital were water birth trained, and it was pot luck which midwifes were on when I arrived in labour. Luckily I had a midwife who was trained in it, so woo :cheer: but best find out from your hospital/midwife what the plan is in your hospital..

Thanks Michelle, my next MW appointment isn't until 11th Oct but I am going to speak to her to see about it :)
i had a home birth and im sooooo glad i did i would definately do it again if i had another baby (if it was straightforward etc)
it was good because
- we didnt hav to fanny about going to hospital i knew i could stay in my own comfortable surroundings
- i got 2 midwives to myself 100% of the time!
- i didnt hav to listen to other women screaming or whatever and the only people who saw me naked, in pain and looking like shit were my boyf and the MWs.
- my baby was born into the surroundings she was gonna be staying in (and without bright lights on), which i think was more calming for her.
- we didnt hav the ordeal of travelling home afterwards (or having 2 spend a nite in hosp). i didnt hav to go anywhere and still slept in my own bed which was nice.

the only possible downside is that u dont hav the option of an epidural at home, not that i'd hav wanted one anyway coz the idea frightens me!

as for the water birth, id recommend that too- altho i didnt havc her in the water as things turned out. i did labour in the birth pool and it really helped. i wanted to hav my baby in the water but it didnt end up that way, altho i dont mind im still glad i used the pool. if i had another id try for a water birth again, it might be easier as next time id kno what i was doing!
WOW you girls are SOOOO helpful thanks!!

I firgured its going to painful either way but what I noticed is with the homebirths on telly they seemed a more reasonable length of time no hours and hours on end.
Sharne said:
WOW you girls are SOOOO helpful thanks!!

I firgured its going to painful either way but what I noticed is with the homebirths on telly they seemed a more reasonable length of time no hours and hours on end.

Good luck Sharne - let us know if you need any more info!


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