Home from Hospital!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Had the worst 24 hours of my life. Woke up at 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning because my liitle girl had wet the bed. Whilst I was up I went to the toilet only to find I had filled the bowl with blood and on wiping I was bleeding. Me and dh dropped Bex off at my mums and went straight to the Liverpool womens, were I was admitted. At 7 o'clock in the morning I was told I was having strong contractions as I was hooked up to the monitor that measures contractions. The contractions were coming regularly, about every 5 minutes. I couldn't feel ANYTHING, I thought the baby was simply pressing its bum or head against my stomach, but they were tightenings. I was taken straight to delivery suite and met by the Special Care Baby Unit doctors, as i'm only 28 weeks. I had to be prepped on what could happen if the baby had to be delivered. A sonographer was on her way to do an internal scan to see if my cervix was dilating. I had already had one dose of steroids for the baby's lungs
at 4 o'clock in the morning. They then brought in the SCBU equiptment.
Me and dh wept. They told us that if the baby was born, he/she would be born into a plastic bag, they showed us the tiniest hat I have ever seen,
and said it would still be too big for the baby. They also had the
resuscitation team ready. It was simply horrendous. When the sonogrpher
arrived I simple prayed, when she inspected the cerivx, my womb was
completely closed, which was the best news we had ever heard! The baby was going nowhere. The internal scan also told us that the baby now weighs 2lb 10 oz, which is good at this stage.

I have a water infection that I should have been given antibiotics for by my midwife a month ago, but she missed it. That is what has caused the uterus to contract so strongly, its also why a water infection should not be left untreated as it can trigger premature labor. As for the blood they still aren't sure as the swabs are not back. I also had another steriod injection for the babies lungs at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, you can only have 2 but at least if anything happens the lungs are stronger.

My heart goes out to anyone who has delievered a baby so early, I was so terrified and sad. I now have to be monitored weekly as I have had a bleed, which is never normal at this stage. I've also been told to take 5 weeks off work. I thought I would post to warn any ladies who may think they have a water infection to get it seen to straight away. I really hope this baby stays inside me for at least another 8 weeks xx
Oh my goodness, take good care of yourself and baby.
om my goodness!
thats so scary!
im so glad your and your little one are alright :hug:
oh claire, that sounds absolutely awful :( so sorry you had to go through that :hug:

thanks god baby is still tucked up inside, and hopefully will remain there for another couple of months :hug:
:hug: :hug: Thanks for all the lovely replies ladies. I just can't stop thinking about the parents and babies who have to go to Special Care. xx
I'm sorry you had to go through such a terrible experience! Hurray for not having to deliver your baby and I hope he/she stays put for you!
*gulp* that sounds horrible! hope the next 12 weeks run smoothly.

:shock: Gosh!!! poor you and your Oh. That sounds soooooooo scary! Glad your Lo is still where it should be-take it easy hun. :hug: :hug:
awww claire :hug: u r so brave i really feel for you and your OH

on a positive note my cousin has just had a baby boy at 28wks, he weighed 2lb 8oz and he is fighting well :D
Oh Clare it must have been awful. I had a bleed at 32 week and that was terrible beng told baby could arrive then- 28 weeks must have been horrendus. Those steroids bloody hurt too!!!!!

I'm glad they know it's the UTI that caused the contractions. They couldn't give me any answers for the bleeding I had which is annoying, fingers crossed all comes back well fo you.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Alex xxx
That's terrible!!
So glad all is well for now. My hospital did not give me antibiotics for 2 months....and then they did not work. So, maybe that is why I have had so many pains. I am gonna put that in my complaint to them. Thank you for making us aware :hug:

Hope bubs stays put for a good few weeks longer :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun I am so pleased that you did not have to go through that trauma.
You must be so relieved.
Make sure you take it easy from here until the end.
Maybe you should stay off work until after baby is born???
I'm sorry you had to go through this, how scary. I'm glad, however that you're both ok now. I hope the rest of your pregnancy now goes well :hug:
flamin eck...... i can totally beleive it when you say you were terrified!!

have lots of hugs... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry yo had to go through that, glad that you and the baby are ok now and hope that it stays put for another few month!!!

Oh Claire that is terrible!! I hope you are feeling better now?

You poor thing, you AND your OH :( I bet you're both so thrilled to be out of that scary place and back in your own home with lots of hope for a healthy 12 weeks :hug:

So sorry you had to go through all that xx
thats awful, i hope ur wee baby stays put a while and take it easy! take care xx
you poor thing, that sounds awful. Just put your feet up and look after the two of you :hug: :hug:

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