Holiday/TTC question?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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My mum wants to book a holiday for me and DH to Florida (YAY!) in late 2008. Weve both said we dont want to go because i might get pregnant and she will have paid for a holiday we cant go on.

What would you do? :|
Hi hon, some poeple would probably say yes becuse you can't organise your life around ttc.
I voted no though, because 2008 is a long time off and who knows what may have happened by then?! :D

That is really nice your mum wants to book a holiday for you, but why book it so early?
id say dont book it. by your recent thread id dont think u would want to put TTC off. As the holiday is gonna be late next year thats a long time for u to fall pregnant. Maybe u could talk to the holiday reps that u TTC'in and if u are unable to fly to see if u can get a refund or book for a later time. Can have your cake and eat it :D
She wants to book it now so she can pay a bit off each month rather than a lot of money in one go. Iv told her we can wait and split the cost between us. She just likes to be organised.
If she booked it early next year it would be fine, im not so sure booking it now is a wise step :|
i think if i was you i would not book the holiday now but if you are not pg by a few months before you want to go then book it nearer the time - whats the rush?
jemz24 said:
Maybe u could talk to the holiday reps that u TTC'in and if u are unable to fly to see if u can get a refund or book for a later time. Can have your cake and eat it :D

That might be worth looking into... :hug:
I voted book it, you can still keep trying, I am sure certain travel insurance covers this type of thing if you shop about. You can still fly up to 8 months, as long as you have a doctor’s note, who knows!
If I was in this position, I would not book. That's just my personal opinion but I am a bit of a planner and well organised like your mum. I like to know exactly what is happening at all times and would have to make the choice of having a holiday or TTC.

Only you and DH can make the decision, but I would look into the insurance thing first so I wouldn't miss out.

Let us know what you decide. xxx
I'll have to have a chat with her at the gym tonight. Id love to go, last big holiday we had was our honeymoon almost 2 years ago. I tried telling her that its too early to say wether we can go or not and she was so disapointed!! I hated telling her. I think she feels like shes loseing us because we're grown up and moved out and she wants us to go and do childish things together (disney woohoo!!).

She did say that it was a mature decision to say im not sure rather than rushing in, i just think she was expecting me to say i'll stop TTC.

We could always wait and book one of those late deals! :cheer:
i am the same hunny i wont book any holidays abroad until i get PG or last minute booking but never works as i cant save lol

:hug: :hug:
I think one of the reasons i think I got pregnant was that I was planning a holiday - it takes the focus off TTC. Our insurance covered us for cancellation if I was unable to go for that reason, so it was just the excess it would have cost (£60). Have a look at all of the options - could your Mum just put the money aside each month rather than actually book (that was what I did) and then you can still have the focus on planning it.
jenna said:
My mum wants to book a holiday for me and DH to Florida (YAY!) in late 2008. Weve both said we dont want to go because i might get pregnant and she will have paid for a holiday we cant go on.

What would you do? :|


You cant put your life on hold for a pregnancy that may take a while to come by. If you do your letting ttc take over your life and you may actually prevent it from happening.

The holiday will take your mind off ttc, give you something to look forward to as well.... which you never know may bring on a pregnancy!!!! And so what if you get pregnant before 2008, the baby will prob be here by time holiday comes round and you can pay the extra..... and if you are pregnant, am sure there will be another family member or friend willing to take your place. Your mum would understand!!!


I got offered a one in the life chance of a holiday... I turned it down, since then the holiday has been and gone, i regret it dearly.... thats now 20 months ago i started ttc and nothing.

I really cant believe some of the comments above people stating not to book a holiday if your ttc..... Am now going through my final stages of fertility treatment, as of today my next step is IVF... IVF at 24 years of age!

Please go on the holiday, I feel that my pregnancy is prevented because all I can think about is ttc, baby dancing, testing and babies babies babies. The most important thing you get drummed into you at the fertility clinic is having you time, holidays, de stressing and not thinking about it!!!

YOU DESERVE THAT HOLIDAY....... Like i said above it costs £30 to change your name on the booking sheet to someone elses and am sure there is plenty of people your mum can take other than you and your partner if your pregnancy runs late into 2008.

What happens when you turn it down like i did? Late 2008 comes and your still not pregnant? and more than anything you need that holiday to de stress?
you said your mum wants to pay off a bit each month, can you not sent up an account, like a holiday fund and pay into that instead of to the travel agents and then when the time comes you can make the decision and still have the money!
lainey, you are spot on, id say the same thing. Listen to her!

You cant put our life on hold, and like she said your holiday may bring you the baby you want!
Book it - just went on my honeymoon there and it was fantastic!

People are right - dont organise your life around TTC. You never know whats going to happen in life so take opportunities when you can xx
I would defo ask mum not to book, but put money aside onto saving account and then you could get a bargain deal nearer the time if you arent PG...

As I have posted earlier to you doll, we had been TTCing for nearly 2 years, and went on holiday to Scotland for a week, we totally relaxed and didnt think about BDing (My sis had just announced her pregnancy after 2 months ot TTCing so I was pretty down :( )...we drank lots of wine, and "made love" when we felt like it, it was so lovely and romantic, no pressure, no peeing on sticks etc...we came home to a BFP 2 weeks later-we had concieved on holiday, we were so relaxed :cheer:

I really really hope you get your BFP before then, but I wouldnt worry about the hol for now, you have enough worrying to do, just get mum to save for you for a possible baby making holiday in the future (I am SURE you will be PG before then :hug: :hug: xxx)
i had a word with her and she said she wants to book it in sept for next sept. I guess we'll have to have a long think about it.
I'd definately book. If you are pregnant at that time, unless you're in the very late stages you'll still be able to go. If you've had a baby by then maybe you could pay extra and take it with you, or perhaps get your parents to mind the baby whilst you have a break. And like other people have said look into what cancellation policies holiday insurance companies have.
Its sods law that if you've planned something you're more likely to get pregnant!
Me and the other half are considering arranging our wedding for next year (we've been engaged for over 3 years!) I figure if I'm not pregnant by then I'll have something to take my mind off it. And if I am we could work around that. I really think you have to take every opportunity in life, what will be will be, and there's nearly always ways around things if you want them bad enough.

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