Holiday and maternity pay


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Sorry, this has probably been asked many times.

I get 20 days holiday a year.

I started maternity leave 8th of June.

I have taken 9 days holiday this year which is right for the day I left.

Do I still accrue the 11 days while I'm maternity leave?
Yep, I've used up all of my 20 days for this year

My boss is a lying bugger then.

Got to get onto head office asap.
You continue to accrue leave while you are on Paid leave so you will accrue if you are on the paid section of mat leave, you don't accrue on the 3 months unpaid.

Hope that helps.
At my work you accrue holidays as normal while you are on maternity leave but you can only carry 5 days from one working year to the next.

This means you have to use your holidays before you start your maternity leave other wise only 5 will be carried forward for after you maternity leave finishes.

Hope that makes sense :)
Yep. I left end of March, so just before financial year. They owed me 5 days so paid me for them as i'd lose them if they weren't used up. And i'm not technically due back til next March, so i'll accrue my 22 days.
Get onto them asap!
i had to book all my holidays before my mat leave starts as when i go back it will be into the next financial year. het on to your head office so that you can make sure youre not loosing out on any holidays because of your boss...
Sorted. I had 11 days left which she suggested I used as I was signed off sick but I get sick pay for that (minimal of course) So it's going over to the end of mat leave next year so not returning to work until June 22nd 2009 :D .

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