I would ask to be refered to the fertility department at the hospital. Your GP will need to do this. My GP refered me to the hospital straight away. He said he could just send me or a scan but it would be quicker if he just let them do all the investigations and refered me. As long as you have been ttc or over a year, then they cant just dismiss you because of your age. You have the right to receive fertility help after a year so i you feel that they are fobbing you off then demand that they do something. Hopeully because the scan showed possible PCOS that will get things moving for you.
I can understand you're DH feeling left out. Most fertility investigations revolve around the women. My DH came to all the appointments, scans, tests etc with me and i think that helped. It also helped me as i felt i had back up........i'm quite shy and find it hard to stand up or myself with the doctors.
Yes, they need to do tests on CD2. I had my 1st few done at anytime in my cycle as i'm so irregular. Then the hospital decided to do another after they gave me norethisterone to make me bleed, so that they had a true CD2 test. I dont think the results came back that different though. CD2 tests look at LH levels and FSH levels i think. With PCOS i think LH is usually at least double your FSH, but i cant remember what the consultant said exactly as it was so long ago! The CD21 tests were pointless for me also as i have never ovulated on CD14.
Michelle x