

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Another non pg related thread but thought I'd see what peoples hobbies are? If you have managed to keep it up while pg and will you be continuing it with you LOs? :)

My hobby is a rather strange one. I like to go geocaching. It's brilliant fun. Basically like treasure hunting using gps device. I also can use my android phone as gps so can do it anytime and anywhere. It's great excersise and gets me visiting places (local and far) that I never knew existed! Www.geocaching.com probably can describe it better then I can. :)

I intent to carry on while pg and also hope to do it once LO is born to help shift baby weight.xx
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I did pole dancing for fitness, loved it. Such hard work though. All very based on fitness not embarrassing or made to look inappropriate. I go upside down and everything.
Obviously stopped now! Would like to take it up again after but won't be straight away as very hard work and need a lot of core strength xx
Would like to take it up again after but won't be straight away as very hard work and need a lot of core strength xx

You're not wrong! I stopped for about a month then went back and couldn't believe how much strength I'd lost in that short term. I stopped for good last year and sold my x-pole, but wish I hadn't. I have a bad back now due to an unrelated injury, and I feel if I'd kept up the poledancing I wouldn't suffer so much from my weak back :( I loved it, was so much fun!

I wonder if I could still do the upside down stuff, probably not got the strength for it now!
Oh same, I found up side down so easy before, doubt I wouldn't even get close now!!
My pole is still in my spare room but needs to come down I think!! Xx
All my hobbies are pretty much out of the question these days.

I play netball, go mountain biking and ski. Can't do any of these now :(

I am particularly missing my bike though. I did commute to work normally and ride 100+ miles a week and I do nothing now. I feel bad if I go on my bike and it's not worth the guilt really. I am going to be really out of shape come the spring.

I am a skyride and breeze leader and take out groups of cyclists on a weekend which has also stopped. As has my NY moors all day epic rides me and OH did on Sundays
Ps I go geocaching too sometime :) I love the outdoors
We do a lot of walking as we've got 2 dogs and love to go on long hikes, for example we did the Breacon Beacons a couple of years ago and Snowdon. This will continue but at a slower pace. I'm also a swimmer and love yoga so I'll be doing pregnancy yoga when I hit 14 weeks. We learnt to ski last year so looking forward to getting the LO out on the slopes.

I'd love to give pole dancing a go :) xxx
I love reading and writing. My ultimate ambition is to write a novel and become published...one day. Currently in the process of trying to start lifestyle blog/website. It will be a way to document my pregnancy (as well as other aspects of my life) and will give me a 'writing outlet' where i can hopefully attract readers :) xxx
i love reading, drawing, computer games and crocheting blankets which comes in handy when your preg lol
Horses, horses and horses lol! During the summer months we go to a lot of the agricultural shows competing in showing qualifiers as well as non agricultural shows
I was a competitive cheerleader and a gymnast :( Had to give that up though, its far too high risk :(
Luckily I also like reading, which I can obviously do a lot of, and I want to learn to knit or crochet, so I can make bumpy little bits and pieces :)
Horses, horses and horses lol! During the summer months we go to a lot of the agricultural shows competing in showing qualifiers as well as non agricultural shows

*Like* !!
I also love to read and am thinking I really need to start to learn how to knit! xxx
Im a dancer - done loads of different types over the years, at the moment im into line dancing - you dont need a partner (for most of the time), and its really sociable.

So far im still dancing, although im a bit more apprehensive if the floor is crowded. Folk who dont dance - like my mother etc. are nagging me to give up, but the girls (and i use that term loosely - mostly in their 50s/60s - just tease me that bubs is gonna come out dancing.) im hoping to keep coming as long as possible. I know some folk who have been dancing up till a couple of weeks before the birth so fingers crossed.
I make Jewellery :), I am hoping to keep it going, but at the moment I have lost my mojo or I just feel to sick to want to do anything.

I also love reading, spending time with my 2 dogs and hubby all of which I will be carrying on when LO is born :)
Still keeping up with my 9 dogs at the moment!!

We race the Malamutes and Eskimo Dog through the winter and show them in the Summer so hoping to get some shows done next year!!!

My other hobbies are papercrafting (cards and Scrapbooks), studying canine behaviour, cooking (especially cakes) and reading.

Might just squeeze some of that in!!
Ballet.... Am a ballet teacher but had to stop cos of SPD :-(

Football watching not playing lol I still go to all the home matches but not away anymore planning on taking bubs with us :)

Karate which I have had to give up and doll making. Was hoping to start selling my dolls (have a collector in Canada who wants to sell them over there for me) but can't commit to orders really now as the sewing machine is just going to keep getting further away lol

Mines horses and riding although not riding at the moment and gonna have to stop the mucking out soon as well cos it's killing my back at the minute xx

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