
Oh baby brain they are amazing :)

How much do you sell them for?

Thank you :). I don't sell them yet, people just pay for the materials or send them to me. I've had to stop anyway cos I just cannot sit at the sewing machine now :(
Horses, horses and horses lol! During the summer months we go to a lot of the agricultural shows competing in showing qualifiers as well as non agricultural shows

Me too! I'm so worried I do too much though! I muck out my 3 and wheel heavy barrows about and then wonder if I should be doing all this. Did you carry on as usual in early pregnancy?
oh oh oh other horse lovers on here that is amazing :-D I've been around and worked with horses most of my life they are simply amazing animals....haven't done it recently but i'm hoping to get the wee one into horses when its old enough :-D miss not being able to ride now :( xx
I have a horse but was told not to ride when pregnant something to do with rupturing the placenta so my mums helping with her at the moment I'm determined to carry on as soon as I can after the birth but straddling a saddle could be quite painful if I try too soon lol x
I was out grooming a friends horse a couple of weeks back and the horse kinda head butted my tummy and that made me think maybe its not such a good idea at the momment :( I miss it so much though xx
Horses, horses and horses lol! During the summer months we go to a lot of the agricultural shows competing in showing qualifiers as well as non agricultural shows

Me too! I'm so worried I do too much though! I muck out my 3 and wheel heavy barrows about and then wonder if I should be doing all this. Did you carry on as usual in early pregnancy?

I carried on as normal throughout early pregnancy and only stopped riding at 6 months because it made me feel like I constantly needed a wee and my hips had begun to ache.*

Up until about 18 weeks I was riding pretty much everyday exercising two
horses and doing all the usual yard jobs and then going away and working as a groom at big events. I would never get on anyone else's horse but I trust both mine completely. I now only have 1 in at the minute as the other is out for winter getting slim and I need to sell the one that is in ideally before baby arrives :(!*

At about 8 weeks I did actually have a fall off of one of them which was a complete freak accident but luckily it didn't harm the baby in anyway but just gave me a bit of a reality check to be more careful.*

I decided to have a sit on the one I'm selling last week but regretted it the morning after when I woke up in agony with my hips :( so I'm banned from getting on anything now!*
my mum has a few ponies. well a couple of ponies and a shetland lol. shes got 2 that are round 13/14hands and a lil one that hangs out with the shetland lol. i grew up with the bigger two and they live in the field attatched my my house lol. mum rode them while pg with my brothers and used me to help break the first one in lol tho shes a sweetie and hardly ever got skittish.
My hobby was motorbikes mainly track days tbh and nope I'm not continuing with it :( I've actually sold my bike which actually made me cry!
I've just come back from 3 day track holiday in Portugal, my dh still rides and it's very social so still had fun. I'm determined to get another bike in a few years :)
My other hobby is reading about brain injury rehabilitation ( nerdy I know) xxx

these are the blankets ive been making. the little blue one i just started for my mums friends daughter who has a month or so before she has a little boy. im using them to pass the time constructively lol.

purple one with tassles

black n white one with sequins and purple one together

close up of one in progress

ive been known to do murals when bored in the past too, this charming fella is on my living room wall
I dont think I have any hobbies :( that sounds bad, I have 2 dogs that I love spending time with and going out with, I also love shopping and socializing with friends dont think they can be classed as hobbies though LOL I work full time and also do casual work at our local football club pulling pints and serving pies!
I want to get my LO into riding too OH not too keen on the idea, Im going to try and use riding to help lose baby weight and tone up tummy musles, bought a really sturdy pram so mum can walk behind with baby while i ride and vis versa :) x
I want to get my LO into riding too OH not too keen on the idea, Im going to try and use riding to help lose baby weight and tone up tummy musles, bought a really sturdy pram so mum can walk behind with baby while i ride and vis versa :) x

Thats another reason why I chose my pram. Then once LO is bigger we can move onto a small pony instead of pram :D lol! OH isnt too impressed with the thought of having to walk lol.
My other half said it would be far to expensive to get little one into ponies so i told him that if LO didnt have a horse then I would be having one and ecause i would need a bigger horse it would cost more to keep. still not keen on the idea but hes coming round slowly he came up to see the one I have at the moment and caught him talking to her and stroking her neck whilst I was making feeds he will come round in the end lol x
I used to keep horses - 6 at one time, i dont ride anymore mostly because of where we live but i definitely want to get my lo (fingers crossed) into riding. I had my first pony when i was 5 and it was just a little welsh mountain on loan, but i think its good to start as early as that - taught me the importance of looking after something. I'd also want to get her/him into dancing as thats a passion of mine, although Hubby isn't too keen on dancing if we have a boy (sure i can persuade him otherwise lol)

At the moment, i sing in a choir and i'm going to continue doing that throughout this pregnancy and husband and myself play online role playing games - specifically World of Warcraft, we're continuing to play at the moment because i write a blog about it but we are already getting rid of our responsibilities as its something that will definitely stop when baby arrives.
I also take part in a fitness bootcamp - i've already stopped that as its too strenous whilst pregnant, think i might take up swimming or yoga or something, so i'm still active.
I used to keep horses - 6 at one time, i dont ride anymore mostly because of where we live but i definitely want to get my lo (fingers crossed) into riding. I had my first pony when i was 5 and it was just a little welsh mountain on loan, but i think its good to start as early as that - taught me the importance of looking after something. I'd also want to get her/him into dancing as thats a passion of mine, although Hubby isn't too keen on dancing if we have a boy (sure i can persuade him otherwise lol)

At the moment, i sing in a choir and i'm going to continue doing that throughout this pregnancy and husband and myself play online role playing games - specifically World of Warcraft, we're continuing to play at the moment because i write a blog about it but we are already getting rid of our responsibilities as its something that will definitely stop when baby arrives.
I also take part in a fitness bootcamp - i've already stopped that as its too strenous whilst pregnant, think i might take up swimming or yoga or something, so i'm still active.

Wow thats going to be one busy baby :)
I used to keep horses - 6 at one time, i dont ride anymore mostly because of where we live but i definitely want to get my lo (fingers crossed) into riding. I had my first pony when i was 5 and it was just a little welsh mountain on loan, but i think its good to start as early as that - taught me the importance of looking after something. I'd also want to get her/him into dancing as thats a passion of mine, although Hubby isn't too keen on dancing if we have a boy (sure i can persuade him otherwise lol)

At the moment, i sing in a choir and i'm going to continue doing that throughout this pregnancy and husband and myself play online role playing games - specifically World of Warcraft, we're continuing to play at the moment because i write a blog about it but we are already getting rid of our responsibilities as its something that will definitely stop when baby arrives.
I also take part in a fitness bootcamp - i've already stopped that as its too strenous whilst pregnant, think i might take up swimming or yoga or something, so i'm still active.

my LO will get to ride as my mum has a few ponies and various other animals lol. i play WOW and ive got my OH into it too but we will deffo keep playing after my babs is born but obviously only when ive got a few mins spare.
Oh oh!! Another horsey person here. I had an ex racer and a Welsh D, when I was preg with my first, I was also working on a dealers yard I I.was the one who rode the nutters lol as well as break and reschool. When I got preg I only rode my own coz I knew them inside out, and just did the ground work with the others. Sadly my tb had to be put down and I sold my mare coz money was getting tight. But a close friend let me ride his when ever I wanted, which was great, I rode till I was about 6 month and I was back in the saddle 4 weeks after both births. But he sold up last year and now i,m horseless :(. After i,ve had this lo i,m doing my BHS stages and working towards becoming a riding instructor.:)

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