hmmm what to do??


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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hi girls hope your all well and not to sick,
i have a bit of a dilema,
ages ago i arranged to go clubbing with my lil sis on the 20th of this month as we dont go out very often but have great laughs when we do, but now im pregnant.
i still havent told anyone about the baby yet and she keeps going on about what tme we should go and what am i wearing, shes even brought a new dress and everything bless her.
i no she will be happy that im pregnant again but she just seems to be so excited about going out and im not sure what to do really i dunno wheather to tell her now so she has time to get used to the idea of us not going out, or wait till the scan so i no everyting is ok then tell her only 4 days befre we go out and risk upsetting her.
also im not sure if i should just go clubbing anyway, i will admit i am one that will have a couple drinks while pregnant so i could have a couple wkd's or similar so thats not an issue i just feel weird about going out clubbing while pg and also not sure if hubby would like me to do that. plus im a little bit worried i might forget im preg and have a few too many drinks :( if i get into the spirit of things.
i no [people go out and get hammered when they are a few months pregnant because they dont no but i do no and i dont wanna feel guilty the next day.
what would all you do? would you tell her now or later and would you go anyway or stay in?
going somewhere else isnt really an option as she doesnt do the cinema and the pubs round here are rough and id rather no end up in a fight haha
any advice would be great :hug:
I personally would tell my sister and tell her its a secret and just explain how you feel. Then you can organise a night out where you can have fun but drink something else? :hug:
If it were me I think i'd probably wait until i'd had the scan and all was well, then tell her. I'm sure she'll be so pleased with your news that whether you go clubbing or not will be the last thing on her mind.
I think you should go out and have a great time with her tho. A few drinks won't hurt and you'll have a chance to celebrate you're 12 weeks in, that all is well and at the same time have a laugh with your sister.
i would probably tell her you are pregnant, but ask her to keep it quiet as you are waiting for your scan, that way you can still go out and not drink, just have fruit juice or something and she will understand why you are not drinking, and can also keep her eye on you so you don't forget you are pregnant and drink too much. it really is up to you and i am sure she will understand what ever you decide. :hug: :hug:
aww thanks girls,
spoke to hubby he said he has no problem with me going out but he did say that he doesnt think i will enjoy it as it will be mega busy and i dont deal with corwds very well, i only live a 5 min walk from the clubs so im thinking if its too much for me then i can just go home.
im still no sure on when to tell her as when i lost a baby before she was devistated and i dont want to tell her now only to have to break the news to her that something isnt right when i go for the scan if it isnt iykwim.
thanks for the advice i will keep you updated on when i tell her and how she takes it lol i still gotta ask my dad to take me to the scan yet,
so worried about telling people this time due to the age gap and that home life isnt perfect i dont want to be judged by them haha
thanks all again youve really helped
:hug: :hug:
Manda&Thomas said:
aww thanks girls,
spoke to hubby he said he has no problem with me going out but he did say that he doesnt think i will enjoy it as it will be mega busy and i dont deal with corwds very well, i only live a 5 min walk from the clubs so im thinking if its too much for me then i can just go home.
im still no sure on when to tell her as when i lost a baby before she was devistated and i dont want to tell her now only to have to break the news to her that something isnt right when i go for the scan if it isnt iykwim.
thanks for the advice i will keep you updated on when i tell her and how she takes it lol i still gotta ask my dad to take me to the scan yet,
so worried about telling people this time due to the age gap and that home life isnt perfect i dont want to be judged by them haha
thanks all again youve really helped
:hug: :hug:

you mean the age gap with you and your partner? i am 27 and my man is 42, most people see no problem with age gaps, as long as your happy is what most people care about. and who's home life is perfect, lol, we all have ups and downs and problems. :hug:
no hun the age gap between the 2 babies there will only be 14 months 15 is baby is 2 weeks late like Thomas.
My family go on quite a bit about people having babies too close together and streching themselfs to much. going to be brave and text my dad in a bit as he is the only person that needs to no at the moment
Hey hon, don't worry about the age gap - my babies will only be minutes apart ha ha!

I'd go, have a few drinks and maybe not say anything. We had a party the day after we found out I was pregnant. Nobody knew I was pregnant so I was drinking white wine and sodas really watered down, like 3 parts soda 1 part wine!!! It did the trick though, nobody suspected a thing!

I'd go, but just say I wasn't feeling too well so wouldnt be drinking

I was out every weekend before I knew I was pregnant and I felt soo guilty, but I still go out now and just dont drink

What with the smoking ban and that I dont think its a big deal while Im still bumpless
I went out whilst pregnant, twice lol, i didnt drink that much, just had a drink or two but i will admit i really didn't enjoy myself. I would tell your sister your pregnant, when your ready, after your scan, and if your up for it tell her you will still go out but you wont be drinking/much, and that you may need togo home early, that way your not letting her down and she'll understand why you waited to tell her.

BTW congrats on the pregnancy, i missed your BFP somehow!!!!
aww thanks hun :hug:
im going to tell her today over facebook lol as i dont wana see the diapointment on her face haha im such a chicken
:D you've done exsactly what i would do, are you still going out?

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