High diastolic blood pressure

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi guys...

Just came from a check up with my doctor. I have high diastolic blood pressure, and my hands and face are swelling, which means that I have two of the three symptoms of pre-eclampsia - no protein in urine, thank God.

My mother had pre-eclampsia, with her first and gestational hypertension with at least two other pregnancies. The doctor says I have to take a week off work and put my feet up, and if my bp hasn't gone down by Wednesday it's either meds or the hospital for me :cry:

I'm only 28 weeks so I'm a little scared about this. She also said I looked large for my time and I have put on a bit of weight recently - so the baby could be lying breech...

I was flying it today and telling everyone how well I felt!

Hi Sue

Sorry to hear that :( Still, no protein and feeling good are great signs so hopefully a week off will sort everything out.

Hope things settle down for you
Hiya Tiny Sue

I had very high blood pressure at around 32 weeks. My advice to you (which worked for me) is to rest 24/7 Lie on your left side as much as you can because your heart does not have to work as hard and it helps lower your blood pressure. Drink loads and loads of water because it gets your circulation going and is good for you anyways. If you have got swollen ankles it might also be worth raising your bed slightly at the end, but im sure if you rest, you will notice them going down.

I have had high blood pressure with all of my babies (five) and did have full blown eclampsia with my first child. (due to cock up of hospital i might add) This time though, because I am forced to rest, since 32 weeks I have had normal blood pressure. So just letting you know resting and doing those other things will help.

Good luck :0)
Ragna xxxx
Hi Ragna ....thanks.

I am afraid that I'm a bit of a fretter when it comes to work, and have done nothing in bed all morning but fret about what will be done/not done in the next week in my classroom! *L*

I got up at noon today but feel kind of heady and not myself. I'm letting DH do the washing up and I shall put up my feet and we are going to order lunch in. My brother and sister are coming over later and it will be nice to have visitors!

I know that priorities rest with me and the baby (DH says I'm more important than the baby, who probably isn't feeling any of this, but I'm not sure I agree with him there.) I will take it easy, but it's weird when you don't feel bad. But then again, if I don't take it easy I will probably feel bad!

Okay, I will lie down again in the afternoon and be a good girl.

Hi Sue

I had high BP with my second child and also some swelling but no protein in my urine. i had it in the last trimester, cant remember how far along i was. i had two stays in hospital and luckily it didnt develop into pre eclampsia.

You really should stop worrying about work. It's not good to get too stressed. Just think about you and your baby, I know that at times it is hard to relax, but you really must try. I am thinking about you.

keep in touch

I know, I know...

I'm a devil, it's terrible, but you know all the little bits of paperwork that somehow never get done? I had been meaning to be the PERFECT teacher this year and get everything ship-shape before my substitute comes in for me at Christmas - she will just have to pick up where I left off...but, as I'm sure you've guessed, Halloween came and went and my schemes and paperwork are a MESS...aaargh...

Ah well, they won't run away, I'm sure...*puts on the kettle*

Thanks davina, for the wake-up call. Nice to know you guys are watching out. Will let you know what's up with the bp and stuff on Wednesday when I get my next check...

Home for another week! :shock:

My Bp hasn't really gone down that appreciably and this time I have protein in my urine...but the swelling has gone away, almost, though the doc says I'm bigger than she would expect me to be.

So it's at home for another week, and if the BP hasn't gone down the next time, I'm not allowed to go back to work at all!!! :shock: :shock:


*starts to buy knitting patterns*


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