Hi :)

:hug: Thank you

Just thought id post some pics of my poopshoot. :lol:




Welcome back jenna!! Glad to hear you are fine and your new doc is getting things moving quicker

And how cute is your doggy!! :D
Shes called maizie. Shes 15 months old and we got her from sheffield strays. They dont know why she was handed in but she was under weight and has been showing signs that shes been abused before. Weve just started training her and she so clever :D So glad weve got her, its great to have the responsibility of looking after her :oops:

:wave: :wave:
Hey hunny, dunno if you remember me but I was pregnant when you were ttc!!

Maisie is a proper sweetie, such a cute lil face!

Its good that you have a diagnosis and you will be getting the treatment now, onwards and upwards as they say, (well outwards would be nice with a big preggy belly eh!?)

Best of luck xxx :hug:
Welcome back jenna!! Glad to hear you are fine and your new doc is getting things moving quicker

And how cute is your doggy!! :D
Hey jenna

I'm pleased ur back in ttc and that things seem to be moving for you. I think about how you r doing all the time.

sending u loads of baby dust.

keep us up to date.

lmp x
hi hun welcome back and all the best i remember you :wave:

maizie is gorgeous xx :cheer:
Hi Jenna

Just wanted to give you some hope. I was talking to a friend at work on Thursday who recently came back from maternity. She has PCOS and was TTC for 2 years, she was put on clomid after the 2 years of trying and now has a little girl who is 10 months

Keep your chin up... it will happen xx
:hug: :hug:

Well i got my letter yesterday from the hospital! got my first apointment on 28th october, its the first theyve got :shock: i cant wait im so excited!! :cheer:
Hiya hun, welcome back :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Your puppy is gorgeous :D
Hi Jenna I remember you

Wishing you tons of babydust and lots of love this time around XXXX
welcome back hun - i remember you well :hug: im now back in this section :hug:

sending baby dust your way hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Jenna how lovely, I was thinking about you the other day (my son is now moving up to Sheffield to start uni there!!!) I wondered how you were getting on :D I think its great news that they are taking your problems seriously and hopefully the chlomid will sort you out :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x

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