Hi very anxious husband counting the days


Mar 4, 2008
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I am a very lucky man who has a wonderful wife and two amazing children. I look back and smile when I think how carefree we were regaring pregnancy and children. We conceived a matter of days after trying for our first and second. We went along to the first and second set of scans without any cares in the world. All until the 12 week scan for our second when they queried our baby could have Downs syndrome. It turned out our second was born healthy and he is now 4 and doing brilliant and a great kid with no difficulties. However the whole pregnancy was very stressful.

Our 3rd pregnancy took about 14 months to happen and resulted in a mis-carriage, when my wife got the test results from the GP he was convinced she was further on in her pregnancy than she was because her HCG levels were so high. When we went to the 12 week scan there was nothing there.

Our 4th pregancy took another 15 months or so again HCG levels were high and at an early scan again there was no baby.

My wife has again found out that she is pregnant again another 15/16 months on. In many ways I look back enviously at the joy of the first 2 we dare not celebrate. We are being as upbeat as we can be but in truth because of our previous experiences we are terrified to build our hopes. My wife was asked to go and see the GP to get resuults we feared the worst. Again her HCG levels are again very high. we believe she is about 5/6 weeks into the pregnancy.The GP has not mentioned any concerns re this, I know myself from internet that this can mean certain things but on the other hand may mean nothing. He has signed my wife off work for 2 weeks to rest fully, she is very nauseaus as well and she is to go for a scan next Thursday. I am crossing everything not just so we can have another baby but I hate to think what it will do to my wife if this results in sadness again.

The high HCG worries me becuase of familiarity with bad news however I am trying to remain upbeat, having two wonderful kids helps amazingly and I know we are so lucky to be in this position unlike some. So I empathise with other people who have this complex paradox of wanting to feel happy but daring not to and being desperate for time to pass to get news but fearing what the news may be. Nothing we can do but hope for the best and try to stay strong.....
:wave: Congratulations on your great marriage and two kids. I am sorry to hear about two losses :hug: I hope all goes well this time.

Just wondering if your wife got any pills to help and support development of pregnancy. My sister suffered from losses and is now about 6 weeks pregnant. Her doctor gave her Utrogestan to help her keeping stable hormonal balance.. probably worth checking with her GP again

Hope this helps a bit :hug:
:wave: Congratulations on your great marriage and two kids. I am sorry to hear about two losses :hug: I hope all goes well this time.

Just wondering if your wife got any pills to help and support development of pregnancy. My sister suffered from losses and is now about 6 weeks pregnant. Her doctor gave her Utrogestan to help her keeping stable hormonal balance.. probably worth checking with her GP again

Hope this helps a bit :hug:

Really sorry to hear of your two losses and congratulations on the current pregnancy - really hope this one works out for you.

I haven't got any advice on the medical side, but just wanted to say that I also had two children without any problems, but since then have had one suspected chemical pregnancy and one miscarriage before this so far successful pregnancy (which apart from having a high risk Downs scare, is going well!!) When I look back, I realise how easily I took the first two for granted - it hasn't been the case this time and it has been an extremely tough and worrying time; the worrying continues, even now at 23 weeks!!!

I really feel for you as you've been trying for so long and it must be extremely difficult to remain positive but do keep in mind that your wife has already had two children so it is extremey likely that she can do it again. Stay positive.

Wishing you all the very best.

Really sorry to hear of your two losses and congratulations on the current pregnancy - really hope this one works out for you.

I haven't got any advice on the medical side, but just wanted to say that I also had two children without any problems, but since then have had one suspected chemical pregnancy and one miscarriage before this so far successful pregnancy (which apart from having a high risk Downs scare, is going well!!) When I look back, I realise how easily I took the first two for granted - it hasn't been the case this time and it has been an extremely tough and worrying time; the worrying continues, even now at 23 weeks!!!

I really feel for you as you've been trying for so long and it must be extremely difficult to remain positive but do keep in mind that your wife has already had two children so it is extremey likely that she can do it again. Stay positive.

Wishing you all the very best.
Hi Petra and DaisyRose

thank you so much for your kind words. I didn't know anout medication to support the development of pregnancy, we will be sure to look into this.

Thankkfully my wisfe's sickness is easing, if only slightly. The scan is now only 6 days away, well hopefully, that is my wifes next GP appointment and he told her to be prepared to go straight on from there for a scan. We will be keeping everything crossed, it seems so long ago that we had a positive scan that you fear the worst. To think that I used to go to the early scans with our first two children without a care in the world with no awareness that there must have been so many people around us who were receiving bad news or worrying from previous experience. Its true that sometimes ignorance is bliss.

DaisyRose congratulations on your pregnancy It is lovely to hear of other peoples successes.
Hi Petra and DaisyRose

thank you so much for your kind words. I didn't know anout medication to support the development of pregnancy, we will be sure to look into this.

Thankkfully my wisfe's sickness is easing, if only slightly. The scan is now only 6 days away, well hopefully, that is my wifes next GP appointment and he told her to be prepared to go straight on from there for a scan. We will be keeping everything crossed, it seems so long ago that we had a positive scan that you fear the worst. To think that I used to go to the early scans with our first two children without a care in the world with no awareness that there must have been so many people around us who were receiving bad news or worrying from previous experience. Its true that sometimes ignorance is bliss.

DaisyRose congratulations on your pregnancy It is lovely to hear of other peoples successes.
Thank you, I really hope this one works out for you too. Good luck with your appointment/scan and glad to hear your wife's sickness has got a little better.

All the best.
I'm so sorry to read about you're loss. :hug:

how did the scan go? :hug:

My wife had the early scan at around 6-8 weeks and after a painful wait :pray: when they could find nothing briefly, she heard the beautiful words we can see the heart beat :D .

To say I am delighted is an understatement. I know its early days and my wife is still in the self-protection mode, which is understandable, of not building her hopes up just incase. However to have got past the hurdle that was the problem the last two times is a massive boost.

We have the 12 week scan in the next couple of weeks so fingers crossed and all that. However my wifes pregnancy is so different this time to the previous two attempts, unfortunately she has a lot of nauseaus feeling, very tired etc.

Thank you all for the support it was lovely to have kind words at that time when I felt so helpless waiting, I will keep you posted, hopefully of good news....... Then I will need to start thinking about the realities of the situation and buggies and nappies and all that again.....My wife thinks we are getting too old for that now, we are 35 and 37 by the way :lol: but I think deep down this is just to protect herself should it all go wrong. We can talk honestly about how we feel and bring each other along so we will be cool either way.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Great news. Thanks for the update.. Wish all goes well for you guys :hug:

Excellent news, I'm really glad to hear you've got a heartbeat too.

I felt different when I had my m/c too; I felt much sicker in the first few weeks this time and somehow, I just knew it was going to be ok, although like your wife, I just wouldn't let myself get too attached to the idea, especially in the first tri.

I'm 34 and am feeling a bit worried about my age/sleepless nights again too but I'm sure we'll all be ok.

All the very best for the rest of the pregnancy - look forward to hearing your progress. :hug:

just wanted to give people an update.

Great news :D My partner and I had the 12 week scan (turns out that she is actually 15-16 weeks) and the scan was amazing. It was so clear I couldn't believe it the machine they have is clearly so much better than what we were used to 5-7 years ago. Baby is doing great... it was amazing to see him/her so clearly. Given my partners age (37) we were given the option to have bloods tested re indicator of increased risk of disability. I think we both feel this wouldn't change anything but we want to be prepared in some way if necessary. However we are not worrying about this.

I realised today when I thought about this that I am now not worrying every day we have even taken the steps to look at prams and to plan for the future.

So to anyone out there who feels as I did earlier (see my early posts) I just wanted to illustrate that with time we can be more hopeful and begin to relax more. And again thank you to everyone who offered kinds words earlier.......

That's fantastic news - really glad to hear everything is going well. :cheer: :cheer:

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