Hi there... a newbie! Got a question!


New Member
Apr 6, 2008
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Hi there, Im new to the forum but have been reading all your posts for while.

My b/f and I have been trying to conceive since January. Not very long, I know. I went off my pill in January and have since had two regular 28 days periods!! My last period started on the 23 March. My boyfriend and I had sex on Thursday 3rd April (early hours of the morning - about 3am). I did an ovulation test on Saturday morning and it came out a very dark red line - so I was ovulating!

Question is, I know when you get the red line it means you will ovulate approx 24 hours later, so if I had sex as mentioned above on the Thursdy and dont ovulate until the Sunday - is there a good chnace I could get pregnant or is it too long?

Thanks all in advance.

Baby dust to all!

Claire xx
hi and welcome :wave:

I don't know anything about ovulation tests but just wanted to wish you good luck TTC! Talk to you soon :hug:
i'm not sure how long sperm lives for. I'm sure i read it can survive for up to 5 days. I'm reading a book at the moment on how to concieve a baby girl and it recomends having sex 3 days before ovulation. Yours was between 3 and 4 days before so i think you could still stand a chance. I know the closer to ovulation is the best chance. Let us all know how you get on.
Hi :wave:

Im not sure about the correct answer but you could be in with a chance :D
Yes you could still get pregnant. As long as you have fertile cervical fluid, i.e. like egg white or watery, then sperm can live up to 5 days up there! If you didnt have fertile cervical fluid then the sperm wont last very long at all, a couple of hours. Good luck!

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