Hi in hospital for monitoring


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
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They are worried about lack of fluid around baby and also i am only measuring 32 when should be closer to 36 f x i get out 2morrow as it is sons school play
Oh no, hope they get to the bottom of it Fairy, well your in the right place to be checked just incase.
Did they scan you and check the size of baby too?

Hope you get out in the morning for the play
They are doing another in the morning i had one thursday they said approx weight 4lb but i know it can be quite in accurate they want to check fluid again thanks jj x
Hope all goes well hunny. Got my fingers crossed for you
Hope all is well and you get out soon hun xxx
I am out now ladies have to go back tomorrow for more monitoring and on top of that I have tonsilites so am on penasiline feel
Like poo x

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Oh no - you could do without the tonsilitus Fairy, hope the drugs have started kicking in.

Keep usl posted with how you and baby get on at your next check/scan Hun X
Hi thanks for all your kind messages I had ctg and scan today and now have to go back sat mon and Thursday and they will assecs situation after that they are talking about induction due to lack of growth fx the baby stays in till after crimbo but what will be will be xx

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Hope baby continues to grow a bit more Fairy and they can perhaps leave alone and give a few extra weeks for cooking - sounds like they are keeping a good eye on you, so you in good hands X
aw what a shame but from my experiance I wouldnt take the weight to the lb as Ellie was born by section early as my water was reduced and she had stopped growing too, had a scan on the Fri and said that ellie was around 3lb a little under and they decided that they needed to deliver on the Sat am, and she was born weighing 4lb 3oz. The only down side is because she was 6 weeks early and very small she had to go to neonatal for almost 4 weeks xx
I am 36 weeks do you think baby would have to go into neo natal ??

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I think baby probably would be in NICU/SCBU for a short while, especially if baby is only small. They were very accurate with Ethan's weight, they estimated 5lb and he was 4lb 14oz so like 1-2oz off, which is pretty damn close. He was by far the biggest baby in NICU but also needed the most care due to his condition. I suppose it would depend on why baby is growth restricted and if there are any other underlying issues. On the up side Ethan was only 30 weeks gestation and although he needed ventilation he was on the lowest level of oxygen, he could pretty much breathe fine for himself, I had only had two steroid shots the 24 hours before he was delivered - at 36 weeks baby is fully developed and almost classed as term.

Good luck honey, I hope baby can stay cooking a little longer xxx

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