Hi I'm new


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Sep 2, 2006
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I'm only 4 weeks and my symptoms so far have been tiredness, sore bbs, cramps, backache, feel like I need to poo all the time (sorry if tmi)

Also I've noticed that my heart seems to be beating faster/harder and I'm noticing my breathing more and I'm a bit light headed, like I've had a major caffeine overload. Walking upstairs feels like I've just done major workout!

Anyone else care to share their experiences?
Pretty much all of the above, been having one day bad sickness then 3 days off, had cramps until about week 7/8, headaches last week, and just about gone off food - other than weetabix and salt & vinegar crisps - lol! The joys of pregnancy. Was worried at first as in the first 8 weeks i lost just over a stone, but I was on the atkins for the first 6 weeks as I didn't know I was pg, I'm sure i'll put that back on over the next 7 months though :roll:
Oh and tiredness! Woah - I am up wide awake at 7am without fail - no alarm clock, which has only started since pg, and i am ready for bed at about 6pm, shattered! Its the strongest 'symptom' i have.

Congrats on your BFP, hope you have a happy healthy pg - see you in first tri too
Em x
Hi hun

welcome u sound pretty much like what i was at beginning of both my pregnancys, i always started to feel better from around 10 weeks :hug:

Hope ur feeling better soon hun hang in there its not for ever :hug:
Sounds about right... :D

My major symptom was the boobs, which delighted my husb and left me in AGONY (only just beginning to settle down...)

Am exhausted all the time - I was made redundant end of June and I have no idea how I would have got through the day if I'd been working, although I'm sure I would have managed ;) The upside to being out of work is being able to give in to baby's requests for a lie down!

You're the fist person to mention the other symptom I have - real palpitations, mainly whilst lying in bed at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep, even though I'm shattered.

I'm with Emmylou, early to bed and early to rise (great, soon I'll be healthy, wealthy and wise if my Grandma's old saying is anything to go by...)

Glad to know I'm not the only one noticing the fast heart beating thing. Was beginning to think I was imagining it. Also I've completely lost my appetite which is not like me. I normally love my food but can count on one hand the things I have eaten this weekend. Think I've even lost a bit of weight as a result. It's strange, almost having to force myself to eat dinner.
Hope you are all feeling better real soon :hug: xx
Hey chrystaltips, I was just saying the same to my husb tonight - today I've had to forcefeed myself toast and sandwiches, I've barely eaten a thing and I'm absolutely stuffed :? keep worrying I'm not giving the little 'un enough, but I'm sure I'll be 'informed' if he/she is hungry! :wink:

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