Hi Im back, got MW appointment today,but have dilemma?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hi all back from a lovely week away with OH flew back yesterday. I got my meet the midwife appointment today at 1pm, cant wait as then my scan will hopefully be booked for the following week or so.Its my birthday on the 30th would be fab if it was on that day! Although my dilemma is i'll have to go on my own if it is before the 31st as OH is away working and my sis is on holiday or should I rebook to make sure have OH or my sis to come with me. The only thing is its postponing everything and i want to have the nuchal fold test too, as i'm 35yrs and already 11wks and half week. What you think? Dusty x
if its after the 31st you can have him with you, i'd hang on, its amazing experience, and being together makes it so special...

i dont think they'd book you in before that anyway... usually a few week wait, altho it shud be booked already really?

i had mine at 13weeks 4days..

plus you get to see more of baby :)
if your after tests, they normally do blood tests around 16weeks.. x
Not all hospitals offer the Nuchal scan for downs testing, depends on the equipment, training the staff have at your hospital. If they do not offer it, you will be offered the 16wk downs test instead with bloods. I had the Nuchal scan at 12+3.

If they do offer it you can have it between 11wks and 13wks +6 days only, as the nuchal fold is more unpredictable after these dates as to what is 'normal', so going by your ticker of 11+4 today you could have it at the latest on the 6th of November, however you'd want to be pretty sure of your dates to leave it until the 6th!

I'd give them a ring and see what they say and even if they have lots of spare appointments to fit what you want as you may be forced to just take whatever they have. When i first booked mine they didn't have any appoitnments for 3 weeks, making it too late for me to have the Nuchal, but after a bit of complaining through the ranks, the sister on the antenatal ward sorted out another list of appointments.

Good Luck!
Thanks kirsty, got my appointment through for the 4th Nov. I am pretty sure of my dates as we been trying for 3yrs+ so was recording everything in a diary (so romantic NOT!!!). They are doing the nuchal along with the date scan and a blood test on the day and have a follow up blood test at 16wks. I am just pleased my OH is around so i dont have to go alone! thanks for info much apprieciated! Dust x

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