Hi I'm 5 weeks pregnant !!


Jan 29, 2007
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Hi all,
I have worked my dates out and I am 5 weeks pregnant and my due date is Sept 27th !!
I have done 3 tests all positive and am waiting for doctor's appointment now.

I have been feeling sickly all day for the past week and have had really bad period type pains on both signs, although I have been swimming today and it seems to have eased this evening, strange...

My boobs seem to be growing and were quite sore but ok now and I don't feel too tired just yet.

I am worried sick about miscarriage as I have been on the Depo since my first daughter was born (she is 5 now) and I have been off it for 2yrs this April and am so scared about losing this baby after waiting so long to conceive.

Any advice ??
I daren't go to the gym and do my training for next few weeks in case it moves the baby, help ??
hi, dont really have alot of advice. but wanted to say congrats :D

i should think you'd be ok going to the gym still atm, maby just take it easier?

Congratulations on your pregnancy, it's a wonderful, wonderful journey!!
With regards the swimming etc, if you have done it frequently for the past few months prior to pregnancy it's fine to continue. You can train in the gym through pregnancy also but there are certain things to avoid, i.e. anything you find strenueous or hard work, the rowing machine isn't advised either. Speak to a fitness instuctor in the centre, they were really great with me, advised I used the upright bike (with the back rest) instead of the regular cycles in there type thing, also to just lift gentle weights etc. Again though if you haven't been training frequently before training it's not a good idea to start now. Try not to worry too much about miscarriage there is no proof that time on conception pills/injections etc effects fertility/ability to maintain a pregnancy type thing and infact it's often said that your most fertile after coming off contraception. I don't know much about it but there is nothing to say afterwards you wouldn't be able to have the exact same healthy pregnancy as everyone else. Try not to worry, speak to the GP he/she might be able to get you in for an earlier scan if your really worrying about it. :hug:

Nicola xx
Congratulations :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I was a pro dancer before I found out about the baby and I wasnt sure if it would be safe for the baby because of all the jumping and bouncing around so I spoke to the doctor and he advised me to take it easy for the first 3 months of the pregnancy especially if my dancing risked causing an injury to my abdomen so I thought it was best to quit for a while. Speak to your doctor and see what he says.
congratulations and welcome to the forum!

We're all crazy first trimester girlies here, neurotic, worried and excited!! Come and join the fun!!

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

I have been to gym today and done 1/2hr fast walking until I felt totally worn out !!
I had a word with the staff and he said just take it easy and more or less what you lot had said, so thanks :)
Just wishing away the next 6 weeks so I can relax again and look forward to planning properly, so worried but I'll be ok
Vickyleigh said:
Congratulations :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I was a pro dancer before I found out about the baby and I wasnt sure if it would be safe for the baby because of all the jumping and bouncing around so I spoke to the doctor and he advised me to take it easy for the first 3 months of the pregnancy especially if my dancing risked causing an injury to my abdomen so I thought it was best to quit for a while. Speak to your doctor and see what he says.

Vickyleigh - you from Weymouth in the UK ? If so, how have you managed to get a scan done at 8weeks please ? I thought we had to wait until 12 weeks, can you get one sooner if you go private ?

Just wanted to wish you a Happy and Healthy 9 months! - Your due 2 days before me so I look forwards to sharing my moans and groans lol! - Is it just me that still feels like I'm about to come on at any minute?
Hello and welcome!! :wave:

oh and congratulations of course
Rachael said:

Just wanted to wish you a Happy and Healthy 9 months! - Your due 2 days before me so I look forwards to sharing my moans and groans lol! - Is it just me that still feels like I'm about to come on at any minute?

Me too ! I know it's disgusting, but I keep checking my knickers ! I've done 4 positive tests now, I can't believe this is happening I'm so excited !!

Rachael, does your stomach feel harder now also, mine feels tight at the top, just below my boobs, really strange ? doctor thinks it might be my swelling womb pushing my stomach up... ??

Congrats thats great!! You are due on my sisters Birthday :D
Juxe said:
Me too ! I know it's disgusting, but I keep checking my knickers ! I've done 4 positive tests now, I can't believe this is happening I'm so excited !!

Rachael, does your stomach feel harder now also, mine feels tight at the top, just below my boobs, really strange ? doctor thinks it might be my swelling womb pushing my stomach up... ??

Yes I know what you mean, about two inches above your belly button?

As for the knicker checking - I'm guilty of it too - I even feel as if I have had AF sometimes, but its just abundant CM

.....I'm starting to feel quite nausious too, but its just like that sicky feeling you get when your hungry

You've been to the doctors then? - Have you booked an appointment with your Midwife yet? Well I've been to the Doctors, but I needed a referral back to my Consultant as I'm high risk but I forgot about getting myself a booking in appointment with the Midwife!.....You'd never believe I have done this before!

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