Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself:-)


Sep 24, 2010
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Hi ladies, I've been lurking in the background here for a week or so and joined this morning. I wanted to say hi and introduce myself:)

This is only my first month of TTC. My husband and I have 4 children already (an 8-year-old, a 5-year-old and 2-year-old twins). Amongst many other reasons for wanting another baby is the natural instinct inside me to do this differently. Each pregnancy has ended in a c-section birth because I didn't feel confident to object and trusted the doctors to advise what was best for me. I feel cheated out of being able to have a natural birth and this time it is going to be different. I will be attempting a HVBA3C (home vaginal birth after 3 c-sections) and I'm prepared for a fight. We are currently saving to hire an independent midwife as the chance of having anybody on the NHS support me is very low. But I need to do this for myself if anything. There are obviously other reasons for us to TTC but that is a big factor for me.

I have changed my diet and am trying to lsoe weight and have changed the bad stuff I eat for the good stuff etc. My AF is due in 2 days and I've already done 2 tests (ebay cheapies) which were negative. I know I'm not pregnant this month which makes me feel really disappointed but I am trying to focus on the fact that it's only our first month of trying and there's always next month.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the long post and I look forward to getting to know all of you better.

NewDawn xx
hi and welcome!
i hope you get pregnant soon and that you get the birth that you want!


Good luck with TTC and getting the birth you want! :)

Hiya Dawn :)

How is it having 4 kids? That's how many i'd like eventually :good:

I can understand you wanting to attempt a natural birth, although the at home bit concerns me a little :oooo:, and i just wondered if you'd looked into those cd's for relaxation and breathing etc?

I've seen some amazing home births where the women are almost in a calm trance - thats' what i'd want out of a home birth :)

Anyway! I'm sure you'll have no problem conceiving, so best of luck ;)
Thanks for your replies ladies. It's a very warm welcome:)

Louise - It's a never-ending chaos with 4 children! I spend a lot of time moaning about it being so noisy and busy but I tell you a secret, I love it! I love the atmosphere and I love all the kids running around. I do sometimes long for quiet time which I do have and of course I find it hard, sometimes impossible, but life is like that anyway. It's all worth it in the long run which is the important bit.

I am reading as much as I can about natural birth and feel I have a much bigger chance of it happening if I am at home. At hospital I've heard because of my previous c-sections, they will rush me in to operate at any sign of a problem and also I hate hospitals and won't be able to relax there which could also make a natural birth elss likely. It's not without it concerns I know, I am worried about it but the more informed I become about my choices, the more secure I feel in my beliefs. I am planning on meditating throughout pregnancy and should probably start practising now really! I have done it often but never seem to stick to it but I think being pregnant will encourage me to do so. Have you been trying long Louise?
It feels like it, as i'm sure it does to everyone on here, but no not really :blush:

Only my third cycle but i love reading up on things and researching in preparation :)
Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing and in a way that helps with the waiting. Preparing my mind and body for the journey ahead so to speak. I wish you the best of luck as I do everyone here. :dust:Bucket-fulls of baby dust for everyone xx
Hi newdawn, my 1st was a c-section, he had an infection and was 6 weeks prem, with my 2nd they tried scaring me into having another c-section by saying "the scare could rupture killing me and baby, and if I give birth naturally I could only go into labour for 6 hours then I'm having a c-section" I decided to have natural even though again it was 6 weeks prem, after 6 hours I was wheeled down to theatre only for them to find that the babys head was out, but by that time I had had the ep needle so couldn't feel anything and they had to vontose (sp) her out ! I would stick to your guns, its your right x
Hi Dawn and welcome :)

Lots of baby dust to you. Wow 4 kids. I'd love a big family! How long did it take you tc your children?

Welcome Dawn!

I would love 4 children also, having a noisy house full of love sounds wonderful! This site is brilliant, it does really help through the highs and lows through the journey of ttc (which is tougher than it first seems!). Sending you baby dust x
Four??? You lucky thing!! I wish I had one! That's fantastic, I bet you are super mum. xxxx
Welcome, how long did it take you to conceive with the others? I think it's great you want a natural birth I want the same one day I think a water birth in hospital tho as it would be
Unassisted yet midwives would be there on standby, I guess as I'd just worry as I'm not experienced in childbirth, hope you aren't ttc for long :) nice to have you joining us xx
Hi big welcome and good luck with ttc! I had a 36 hour labour with my son and it was pure hell. I has all the drugs and gas and air but stuck at 8 cm dilated for about 7 hours i ended up with epidural which was pure bliss. Anyway, baby got in distress and i got infection to was prepped for se tion and i so didnt want it i went into shock! Half hour later out he came naturally and im so happy i did not get the c section! Hey sorry girls if tmi on labour dont want to put you off lol... hey im here agsin ttc so its all worth it i promise

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