Hi girls....i have quite an update....


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Sorry i havn't been on in a while, but i was diagnosed with hypremesis and have been in hospital on a drip for the past 4 days, and to top it all, i've came out with a stinking cold as well!!!!!!!!

Still very very quesy but they have sent me home with Valoid, an anti-sickness tablet which the doc says is fine to use in pregnancy. I suppose i should be happy its all a good sign the pregnancy is developing well, but i feel so bloody crap and there is lots of lovely christmas food in the house that makes we wanna :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this sickness has made me feel down and i dont feel so pregnant at the moment...anyone else feeling the same? xx
I haven't had anything as bad as yours sounds but I'm feeling pretty quesy all day long - although for the last few days i have only been sick in the mornings.

Here's my survival tricks at the moment:
1) Hula Hoops (any flavour) seems to make me feel better.
2) Lemonade is my current drink of choice - used to have about 5 cups of tea a day but can't really stand it anymore and tap water is tasting weird at the mo too.
3) Sausage rolls - I cooked 25 mini sausage rolls yesterday and ate about 10 of them within 30mins. It's a pastry thing (although pasties are making me feel yukky at the moment)
4) Horizontal position for the morning - it seems I feel less sick while lieing down - not very practicle but hey, it's Xmas!
5) Fresh air - I can happily sit in the freezing garden at the moment cos the frech air seems to make me feel a bit better.

I'm also worried about the lovely xmas food I've bought and whether I'll actually want to eat any of it tomorrow. Turkey sandwich and a bag of hula hoops sounds nice though!
Oh hun, sorry to hear you've been so poorly but I hope you're feeling better soon & the tablets help you.
I found my travel bands were great at stopping me feeling sick and peppermint also kept the nausea at bay.

Hope you manage to enjoy your Christmas dinner.

curlywurly said:
Sorry i havn't been on in a while, but i was diagnosed with hypremesis and have been in hospital on a drip for the past 4 days, and to top it all, i've came out with a stinking cold as well!!!!!!!!

Still very very quesy but they have sent me home with Valoid, an anti-sickness tablet which the doc says is fine to use in pregnancy. I suppose i should be happy its all a good sign the pregnancy is developing well, but i feel so bloody crap and there is lots of lovely christmas food in the house that makes we wanna :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this sickness has made me feel down and i dont feel so pregnant at the moment...anyone else feeling the same? xx

OMG bless you honey so sorry you've been so poorly! Naughty baby!

Nice to hear from you again though. Hope you manage to have a lovely and not too vomity christmas :hug:
Sorry u haven't been well hope u feel better soon xxx :hug:
:hug: AWW im so sorry you have been so unwell, I hope you feel loads better soon!

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