Hi from Sunny Stuttgart!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
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Hey Everyone! *waves frantically*

First things first, my name is Nicola, I'm 30 and I'm a British expat currently living in Stuttgart, Germany.
I've still got the British sense of humour though so sarcasm is still a true form of wit and you won't hear me breaking out into ze German accent either! Gawd-forbid!

I have been lurking on this forum now for a few weeks (as a guest) and decided to join and introduce myself properly when I hit my 12 week scan milestone. Which was ummm, about an hour ago!

Maybe i should have joined sooner, because reading all the great comments and support from you peeps in the first trimester threads have been so lovely and caring, I know that i'm going to enjoy it here, and you've helped me so much already.

Strangely enough, also there's one or two names I know from a beading forum *ahem* BellaRiven *ahem!* so I already feel like i'm at home.

Bella - yeah the Shedman got me too ... don't tell the other buddies just yet though, I want to keep it a few more weeks from them.

A few key peeps already know i'm up-the-duff, but I'm trying to keep a low profile becasue it's my mum's birthday in a few weeks and I want to put a copy of the scan in her birthday card as a surprise. So then after i'll be shouting from the rooftops.

This is the first time i have been pregnant, so there's so much i'm going to have to learn. (also those gawd darn words have to be learnt in GERMAN too
word of the day today was "Nackentransparenzmessung" which got me in a tongue twist earlier at the doctors! LOL

My due date is 31.12.2012 ... what a significant date for me that is - considering last NYE i got married.

NYE 2010 got engaged, NYE 2011 got married, NYE 2012 expecting a baby!

So, i think that's all you need to know?! LOL! Hope that was a good enough intro! Ask away if you have any questions, I try not to be a fair-weather-forumer - so i imagine you'll be seeing me lurking about and posting.
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Hi Nicola! :wave:
Welcome to the forum & Congratulations on your pregnancy :D
Time to join the ladies in Tri 1 for a couple of weeks before moving over to Tri 2!! How exciting :D
Hope pregnancy is treating you well :)
Wishing you all the best xx
: wave: hiya and welcome :) am sure you'll like it here.
Congratulations on your pregnancy xx
Hiya :wave: and a huge welcome to the forums. Congratulations on your Pregnancy, hope it's going OK :D
Thanks for the lovely welcome gals! :)
Hello and welcome! What a great intro :) can't wait to follow your pregnancy in the none stalker way x

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