Hi from me x


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all, has been a while since my last post. Congrats to all the ladies who got their BFP's.

Update on whats happening with me... well still no period its now been 12 weeks. I have had a full blood test done, it showed that I have low Thyroid and Progesterone levels, I am waiting for a date from the hospital for an ultrasound scan on my tummy have no idea what the waiting time is for that!!

Have to go back in Feb for another blood test if nothing improves, if that still show's low levels then I will be given drugs to induce my period so I can have 21 day blood test to check I am ovulating, if I still have problems then they are going to start me drugs to get me to ovulate.

May also need to take a course of medication for the rest of my life because of my thyroid!!

I know I should be happy as they are palnning on doing things but I just feel gutted!!
Hey Vicky
I didn't wanna read & run but sending you big hugs
We are all here for you hun
Hey Vicky! :good:

I was half scared that you wouldn't be back at all, so it's nice to see you again :hug:

Nightmare with your pariods and things... did you stop taking Angus Castus or did it seem to stop working for you?

I think it's mainly the shock at first that causes the upset and then once you've had time to process it i'll think you'll come to appreciate the positive aspect of you moving ever closer to your BFP :)

I'm going to stick you on the Roll Call thread, because then you'll have to stick round to keep us updated ;)
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I have close friends and family yet I feel completely alone going through this, and the only people who can understand are you guys and I really needed the support today so thanks x

In my head I am happy that the doctors are willing to do something but I guess I always had this image of .. find a man... fall in love.. get married... have a baby!! But life can be a real sh*t at times!!

Yeah pop me down Louise I am always lurking .... cant stay away!!!

The month I tried the Agnus Castus was the month my periods disappeared so think I will be staying away from that!!
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Yeah, it's the special people on here that are getting me through - i always thought it was a bit cheesy when people said that, but it's really how i feel. Especially a certain someone who loves a mention :moon:

I guess I always had this image of .. find a man... fall in love.. get married... have a baby!!

I was exactly the same, except there was "get a dog" between getting married and having a baby :)

I was waiting for hubby to pop the q for years and then he did and within about 10 month we'd got married, moved halfway across the country into our very own house, put a deposit on a puppy... just needed the baby.

It's so frustrating. I think that is my main emotion - frustration!

I'm itching to paint the nursery...
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Glad to see you back hun. :hugs:

Hope all the waiting goes by quickly for you hun and that the tests help to answer some questions for you. :)
It's so frustrating. I think that is my main emotion - frustration! I'm itching to paint the nursery...

I just feel like a failure as the problem is with me so I cant blame anyone else!! I can be a real tough bitch on myself at times which doesnt help!!

Was doing ok until today .... was like one big slap of reality in my face!!
Nice to hear from you Vicky...

Sorry to hear of your poblems, no period for that long, oh my god! I do hope they find a reason for it and make it better. Just think you are getting closer to that BFP!

Hop to see you lurking around

Donna x
I just feel like a failure as the problem is with me so I cant blame anyone else!! I can be a real tough bitch on myself at times which doesnt help!!

Aw :(

I don't see my hubby as a failure and i'm sure that your hubby doesn't see you as one :hug:

You can only fail at something that is under your control and this isn't. Nothing you could have done would have made things any different. It's just the way things are and always have been, you just didn't know about it so try not to be so hard on yourself.

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