Hi all


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Woke up this morning with a sudden urge to test, being 10dpo I decided I could get away with a test, thinking it would come up negative as it was too early and then I could test once AF is late. Imagine my surprise when I checked and had

a BFP!!! :dance: :dance: :D

Its darker than I expected it to be so was very excited and called up to my mother to tell her.

Still cant believe it but thought the cramps I had yesterday (which sent me back to bed for four hours) were possibly implantation but maybe not for the darkness of the line.

Will add a pic in a little while.
Oh my gosh - CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

When will you be due do you think?

Thanks for the congrats girls, Im excited but still shocked about it. Told all the family yesterday morning and evening and my mother has already been pricing traditional welsh nursing blankets etc and is planning on buying a new seat for the garden swing (like thats needed early on lol)
OH has told his colleagues today and Ive told one of mine but not telling my boss until Ive seen the doc (hopefully next week)

Based on first day of last AF I will be due on the 15th Feb 2009, although Im not sure if this date will change because of the 37day cycle.
Anyone know?
:dance: :cheer: Congratulations :cheer: :dance:

I think they work it out initially from your last period and assume you have a 28 day cycle, I know they wouldn't listen to me that I had a 32 day cycle :wall:

But I think they then use the dates worked out from your scan as your proper due date (not 100% sure of that as I never reached that stage)

Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :D

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