HEY! who remembers me?

Hiya hun!!!!! I've missed you!!! X

ar erin thank you :-) i was ur txt buddy after all :-)
hows little emily?
can she crawl yet?

She is doing Soooooooo well!! Trying very hard to crawl but not quite getting the hang of it!!

How's Finn??? So cute on the photos on fb! X

makes u so proud when you do new things doesnt it! finleys the same trying so hard. he kinda does a comando crawl at the min. he can cral backwards!

he's brill thanks. ur back at work now? how u finding it?

Yep, back 2 days a week. I quite enjoy it to be totally honest. Emily is left with family so I feel quite happy about it!

You know, we don't live that far away from eachother, about 45 mins??? Maybe we should catch up? I'm always looking for other mummies to talk to!!!! X

Hiya hun!!!!! I've missed you!!! X

ar erin thank you :-) i was ur txt buddy after all :-)
hows little emily?
can she crawl yet?

She is doing Soooooooo well!! Trying very hard to crawl but not quite getting the hang of it!!

How's Finn??? So cute on the photos on fb! X

makes u so proud when you do new things doesnt it! finleys the same trying so hard. he kinda does a comando crawl at the min. he can cral backwards!

he's brill thanks. ur back at work now? how u finding it?

Yep, back 2 days a week. I quite enjoy it to be totally honest. Emily is left with family so I feel quite happy about it!

You know, we don't live that far away from eachother, about 45 mins??? Maybe we should catch up? I'm always looking for other mummies to talk to!!!! X

i kinda enjoy abit of me time even tho it'll be at work. steves taking finley shopping 2moro 2 get a mothers day pressie and i so cant wait 2 have a few hours 2 myself :-) i'll be cleaning and what not but cant wait 2 have my music turned up loud and not have 2 see 2 finley every 10 mins. so i can get stuff done and catch up.

where abouts are u erin?
Hiya hun!!!!! I've missed you!!! X

ar erin thank you :-) i was ur txt buddy after all :-)
hows little emily?
can she crawl yet?

She is doing Soooooooo well!! Trying very hard to crawl but not quite getting the hang of it!!

How's Finn??? So cute on the photos on fb! X

makes u so proud when you do new things doesnt it! finleys the same trying so hard. he kinda does a comando crawl at the min. he can cral backwards!

he's brill thanks. ur back at work now? how u finding it?

Yep, back 2 days a week. I quite enjoy it to be totally honest. Emily is left with family so I feel quite happy about it!

You know, we don't live that far away from eachother, about 45 mins??? Maybe we should catch up? I'm always looking for other mummies to talk to!!!! X

i kinda enjoy abit of me time even tho it'll be at work. steves taking finley shopping 2moro 2 get a mothers day pressie and i so cant wait 2 have a few hours 2 myself :-) i'll be cleaning and what not but cant wait 2 have my music turned up loud and not have 2 see 2 finley every 10 mins. so i can get stuff done and catch up.

where abouts are u erin?

I know, its nice just to have a bit of time to yourself, int it?

I'm on the outside of Nottingham. I drove past Stoke on Trent the other week, it only took me about 40 mins!

hi mel,

glad all is good. saw new pics of finley so cute. whats your business page on fb? xxx
Hey mel!! We can't forget you!! Finley's looking more and more cuter everyday!!! x x
:dance: so lovely to hear from you all again. glad ur enjoyed being a mummy evelina. r u and demba still 2gether as last thing i saw on here was u were going through bit of a rocky patch?

chaz- thank you :-) i need to see up dayes of every1 elses babes 2. although i have seen most on fb

my facebook page is melissa's personalised baby gifts go have a nosey
:dance: so lovely to hear from you all again. glad ur enjoyed being a mummy evelina. r u and demba still 2gether as last thing i saw on here was u were going through bit of a rocky patch?

yeah the first two month after noa was born we argued every week. now we have found a calm and its like everyday we are just getting stronger n closer. except from valentines day when i was angry that he didnt buy me anything :wall2: we have not argued since beginning of januari so its a big improvement :love: now we are just absolut lovin being parents and we adore eachother, its better then ever :love:
Hmmmm...Mel? Mel? Name rings a bell ;-)

I'm still pottering about! Unfortunately don't have as much time as i'd like to post on here but get on when poss!

Finn's coming along great isn't he! Bless! All our Jul/Aug babies are! Cant believe how old they're getting too! Wont be long until their 1st birthdays :-( xx

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