Hey Im New!


Feb 19, 2010
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Hello all! how are you? Im new here looking for some people to chat to etc.
I have two boys aged 27 months and 17 months and im currently 28 weeks pregnant!
Yeah im busy! LOL! hope to hear from you all soon xx
hi welcome, im only new aswell, and also having my 3rd im 24. but im only 10wks gone my other two are 5 and 21 months so this time the age gap is going 2 be closer how it been for you? ive started thinkin about double buggies and getting my little girl out of nappies. hope your well xxx
hi and welcome to the forum! and congrats! x
Thanks :)
I have to say i love having them so close there is 10 months between my first two and there will be 20 months between my second and third lol.
I have nothing but trouble picking double buggies i have had 5 double buggys! so far i think the Out n about nipper is meant to be ace! so looking to invest in that!
My eldest is still in nappies as he is no where near ready unfortunatly! so looks like i will have three bums to change! all part of it i suppose! lol!
Did you plan to have three children or did it just happen that way? xxx
i will have a look at that buggie online my little girl will be 2years 4months when the next one will be due but think i still want a double for trips to town etc. i had my boy at 19 wasnts planned but really wanted then i though i would wait till he was at school till i tryed again i fell first month but now there age gap seems big so wanted the next one closer so i came off the pill at xmas thinking we would try in april when my little girl turned two i though would get the pill out of my system and be careful till we started trying anyways on bf birthday had abit to much to drink and 10wks later here i am lol very happy tho. what about you did you plan them all close? i thought with my 3rd i wouldnt worry so much but i still have got my scan 11th march.
hi and welcome to pf :D

im also pregnant with my 3 the age gaps are completely different. my oldest is 11 then i have a 2 year old and im nearly 24 weeks with this little one will be my 3rd boy :D
Hi welcome!! i'm pregnant with my 4th, would love another girl, i've got a 4 yr boy 2 yr girl and a 10 mth boy! close but not as close as yours!! welcome again x
Hiya and congratulations!!! I'm expecting my 3rd too but there's a bit of an age gap between them, 2 boys aged 13 & 6. Only 5+1 weeks with this one do don't know the sex yet but love a girl but I'd be happy either way, boys are fab!
Awww Welcome to the Forum and Congratulations :)

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