hey girls!!!!


Congratulation hunny. soo please for you!!!!!!

:hug: :hug: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :hug:
Congratulations! What a gorgeous wee pic! Can't wait for my scan next Monday, hopefully be able to join you in 2nd tri shortly too!
Take care,
Sarah x
Congratulations! Glad everything went well, it's the most amazing thing isn't it, seeing your baby for the first time :D .

Your due a day before me, see you in 2nd tri soon x
ooh congrats, can't wait till i get to my 12 scan and only just had one today!!! so amazing, so happy for you, enjoy!
Awwww great picture hun :hug: :hug:

Your due just after my Step-Daughter :D
Awww thats great!!
That pic is fantastic!! :D
So pleased baby is doing well and the scan pic is so clear!
Congratulations now you can chill out a bit more :dance:
thanks girls - i am sooooo happy, i cant keep the smile off my face, even my boss told my mate yesterday at work she had never seen me so happy, i am just over the moon everythings ok and keep looking at the photo of my lil bambino :)
Hi hun

Wow fab scan pic, so cute.

Bet your on top of the world at the min.

Congratulations :hug: :hug:

That is such a great scan pic - your lil one os sooo long!!!!! congratulations missG!!!!
Wow!!! what a great pic!!

You must be so chuffed, baby looks amazing.

Hey, we share the same surname so hopefully that might bring me luck!!

You must have been so excited seeing the baby I can imagine how emotional it must have been


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