hey everyone

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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been long time since i wrote in here i try and write on my girls gone too soon websites to chat to them but i dont know what it is but i feel i can talk to them better on here really just feels easier talking to them on here if it makes no sense,

i wont go into how im feeling etc and all that everyone that has lost feels low and i just feel as usual im going on and no one sits and rants constantly and says how low i am becuse no one can do anything to make things better i know that i just feel im constantly repeating myself,

i keep saying there are other people worse off than me and least i have my girls yes im sad they are not here with me but they are with mein a way.

anyway lets get back to the real world didnt want to post this on the meet thread but as much as im looking forward to going to the london meet i am so so nervous to see everyone as im sure everyone is just last time we went i was pregnant with chloe and i dont think other peoples littles ones will bother me as i work with them just thinking back and seeing bumps i suppose might be little hard but i have to face it sooner or later as il be hiding away forever, does this make sense

anyway with chloes birthday starting to approach im not sure what to do on that day to remeber her i know there is so many things i can do, and im really frightened of the day like i dont want it too come round,
i dont know whether steve will be around for support i hope he is i dont think i can do it by myself but do i ask him what he wants to do i know i should but things are so fragile at moment we havent spoken of chloe since we started trying again to work things out and im scared to mention it and push him away.

love you so so much my darlings and mummy misses you both so so much xx :hug: :hug:
hey hun. Speaking to you on MSN but just wanted to say the usual that I am here anytime day or night for you.

hun let me send you big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: always here for you xxxx

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