He's not helping himself


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Now I don't know if Tyler does this in the night but laying in bed I've been listening to him pump his legs up and down and smacking them on the mattress.

He woke himself up surprise, surprise!

Any tips on stopping this?

He wears a grobag.

I don't think you can stop them doing it, Angel was doing it all the time at his age, she also wears the bag. It used to really scare me cuz the sound would go straight through the house and if I was on my own it'd freak me out lol. Angel grew tired of eventually and stopped... sad thing is she's spitting/blowing raspberries, banging her arms against the crib etc :p xx
How strange I thought Phoebe was the only one that did this, she lifts her legs up and smacks them really hard off her mattress!
Yep Will done it too but stopped naturally after a week or two
Ella too! She's learnt how to squeal and spit now though so she's having too much fun to remember to do the leg thing aswel! Haha x
Leos the same. He does it more just before he nods off so I leave him to it. It's like he tires himself out. Whatever happened to our newborn babas Lol xxx
Kynon did it so much he used to do it in gigs sleep too and wake himself up. I think the novelty has worn off now he doesn't do it so much now.
Harrison does this too - im thinking elastic band around the legs and cot??? Lol!!
Tyler's been doing it for weeks so i'm glad he's not a sadistic little boy that enjoys body slamming!


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