He's got me demented!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Josh was 3 in April and he has tantrums like any other 3 year old but I think they're more extreme than other kids.

Absolutely anything sets him off, and its as though he has a say over everything that goes on in the house. If I dont do something the way he wants me to do it he kicks off, he doesnt co-operate with anything I say and as for bedtime, what a nightmare. If he's tired its easy to get him to sleep but if he isnt (and sometimes he's wide awake til eleven o clock) he WILL NOT stay in his room. I put him back down and he just gets up. The other night I put him back into bed about 100 times within 20 minutes and it was getting worse, not better! He was absolutely hysterical. I can put up with the crying but he wont stay in there anyway, he just wanders downstairs over and over and over again. It would go on like that all night if I let it, I know him and I know that he wont give up.

Its not just bedtime though, its all the time! He argues with EVERTHING i say, i cant explain the extent of it on here but believe me, he's impossible to deal with. He lashes out, screams, cries, still has a dummy and to be honest Im beginning to wonder if its me and not him.

This makes me sound like such a bad parent! When he's good he's adorable (at nursery he's an angel, never hear a bad word about him!) but his good moods are few and far between!

Sorry for going on, I just feel like Im fighting a losing battle. I keep thinking that when we have another baby I might be able to get it right this time!

Just after I finished this post he threw my £300 Ipod across the room and smashed it off the floor just cos I told him the battery had ran out and it wouldnt turn on (which ironically was true!). I've had enough!!!
i'm trying to think about supernanny..
have you tried taking a fave toy away when he is naughty? then giving him one back when he's good.
When he gets back up afte you've put him to bed do you talk to him its best just to put him back in his room with no reaction, no talking nothing just carry him to bed tuck him in and leave - that way he is gettting no reaction from you.

I'm no expert i just watch suppernanny! she has got a supernanny magazine and forum goin now.
Have you tried fish oil tablets (halibo do some for kids amongst others) I know parents who have given them to their children and swear by them.

Also my mum was watching a programme where some children who were on ritalin (i think) for adhd were given these tablets plus a change to their diet (fresh food rather than processed no sweets etc.) and apparently the change was amazing.

Maybe worth a try?
There are many ways to go about it... supernanny is the most popular one, the one that works!!
I would get a sticker chart...every time he stays in bed he gets a sticker, when he gets 3 in a row (cos he's only little) I'd give him a treat.

As for tantrums totally ignore bad behavior and really praise good...it works wonders.

Mothercare do a great sticker chart with re-usable stickers for staying in bed, meal times, brushing teeth, being brave etc.
That sticker chart sounds like a great idea, can you get one where you write your own rules on like tidying up toys etc?
Hypnorm said:
i'm trying to think about supernanny..

I'm no expert i just watch suppernanny! she has got a supernanny magazine and forum goin now.

He sounds like a classic supernanny case. I would see if you can get the book from your library. The stickers and toy confiscation work a treat.
I know this is an old one but do you watch what 'e' numbers he gets with sweets etc. I have never seen a child turn as much as my sister after eating sweets. One minute she is fine th next she is argumentative and stroppy. Granted, she is 9 but its still obviously the sweets. I see it a wee bit in Jessica after sweets.

Sorry you though no one was replying :oops:

As for the ipod, i would have cried. I love my wee pink ipod.
x-kirsty-x said:
Hmmmmm guess no one wants to help me out! Never mind :wall:

It's not we didn't want to help out, we are busy mummies too and I know alot of us have the forum logged on, but only go back and forward to the screen, not sit in front of it all day.

No advice I'm afraid as I have never had a 3 year old! Except supernanny, she is magic :lol:
Freya said:
That sticker chart sounds like a great idea, can you get one where you write your own rules on like tidying up toys etc?

The mothercare one you can't write your own on it BUT it has loads of different ones, there is a tidying up one, stars, trophies, angels etc so you can use them for whatever.

You could always just make one though and buy some stickers :)
lauramum01 said:
Sami said:
No advice I'm afraid as I have never had a 3 year old! Except supernanny, she is magic :lol:
Would you like to borrow mine :lol:

Nah thanks, got a vocal stubborn 8month old, that's enough for me till May :lol:
But think how much less work they would seem after a mutinous opinionated Jessica. Wine gums supplied.
lauramum01 said:
But think how much less work they would seem after a mutinous opinionated Jessica. Wine gums supplied.

What does that mean :oops:
I lived with my mate for a few months after she split from her ex and she had a 3year old and a newborn, that was trying on the brain!
mutinous? Its kinda when they dont want to do a thing you tell them. She also loves the wine gums. So do I.
Hi ya

I've got a little boy whose now 4 but when he was around 3 we had a similiar thing, it's a nightmare, i do sympathise with you, but it does get better!!!

What you need to get is a naughty step or corner, i know it sounds harsh but we used to do was warn him that if his behaviour continues he will be put on the naughty step, we used to do that twice then the third time we used to make him sit there, for 3 minutes (a minute for every year), if he kept getting off we used to just sit him back down again, when he was calm we used to go and get him and ask him to tell us why he was sat there then we used to have a cuddle and make up, perservere it does work and now i hardly every have to use it, he's no angel but he understands things a bit better now.

Also try not to shout when he shouts keep really calm, they can't get their heads round that!!

Give it a try, worked for me

Im so sorry, I sounded like a stroppy 3 year old myself yesterday when I thought no one was replying! I was just at my wits end with him lol :oops:

Anyway, thanks for all the advice. Im gonna give the sticker chart a go and see if that works.

I've also got him some kids fish oil capsules, anythings worth a try!

Sorry again, didnt mean to sound harsh yesterday :(
x-kirsty-x said:
Im so sorry, I sounded like a stroppy 3 year old myself yesterday when I thought no one was replying! I was just at my wits end with him lol :oops:

Anyway, thanks for all the advice. Im gonna give the sticker chart a go and see if that works.

I've also got him some kids fish oil capsules, anythings worth a try!

Sorry again, didnt mean to sound harsh yesterday :(

it's okie honestly hun, we're all busy and stressed ourselves too sometimes! :)
my little boy jake used to be a little monster hes growing out of it now he had me in tears in town once because he wanted i toy i couldnt get it he was on the floor crying screaming everyone looking its really awkward hes a lot better now he just started growing out of it he still fights with me sometimes never hits me or anything just argues if i tell him no i do the time out and it has worked wonders i put him in his room he has a stair gate at the door its the only safe place to put him 2/3 minutes and then an apology he hugs me and says sorry. ignore his tantrums let him know you wont listen to him while hes screaming if this is getting no where contact a doctor, i think the diet is a big factor as well make sure he has no sweets fizzy drinks anything with e numbers just let him knoe ehos boss and stick to it might seem like he would scream forever but once he understands its not getting him anywere he will learn.

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