Can 1 year olds be naughty?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
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Reece's behaviour is a nightmare at the moment. He runs riot round the house throwing things at us and the dog (he's got a strong lil throw on him :shock: ) pulling things off the shelves and throwing them down the stairs etc.

I'm guessing this is normal behaviour for 1 year olds but can they tell when you tell them off? When Reece goes to throw a brick at the dog i shout "Reece NO!" and he just glares at me and carries on. When I pick him up and move him away he scrumples to the floor screaming and gets in a proper little paddy. Today he's started laughing at me every time I tell him to stop. :doh:

I know its the attention he likes but is there away of getting him to understand "no"? And is this him being naughty or just normal?

I think he is just getting a rise out of you. Its a game to him, he throws something and gets a reaction from you, he doesnt understand he has been naugty. I dont think at that age they understand 'no', they just hear a voice.
When he does this could you immediately take him away from that situation and put him into doing something where you can fuss over him and tell him he is a good boy. If you dont give him a reaction then there is no fun in it so he will move onto something where you will give him a reaction.

Its totally normal though, you just need to show him that its not in his best interests to behave this way.

Cant speak for the dog tho....
At this age it's all about him learning his limits and pushing them to discover exactly where they are.

It's very normal, I wouldn't call it naughty as such, it's just something he has to learn. Just keep saying "No" and distract him with something different.
I think they do unserstand no.
Ewan is similar at the moment, he likes turning on the tv and playing with the stereo, if i give a stern NO, LEAVE IT then generally he will leave it, if he carries on i move him away, if he goes back then i will put him in his play pen, if he screams i just ignore it and carry on what i'm doing.
I'm trying to praise his good times and ingore him when bad.
So difficult sometimes as he drives me up the wall!!
I do the same, I say NO firmly to Noah, he normally turns and looks at me, pausing in what he is doing, if he then continues, (which he normally does) I say NO again and move him away from what ever he is trying to do. To which he nirmally screams his arse off, so I grab a toy and distract him for a moment and he cheers up again.
Cat&Noah said:
I do the same, I say NO firmly to Noah, he normally turns and looks at me, pausing in what he is doing, if he then continues, (which he normally does) I say NO again and move him away from what ever he is trying to do. To which he nirmally screams his arse off, so I grab a toy and distract him for a moment and he cheers up again.
exactly the same as wot i do with B :lol:

im telling it is coz there men its in there genes lol

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