He's going to be devastated! ****UPDATED****


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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My DH is away until end of month so I have been left to look after the dogs. I have a Cavalier King Charles but his is a Great Dane. Since he's been gone she (Great Dane) has split my lip, bruised my hand, broke my internet :evil: , dug up some of the garden, chewed through yet another one of her beds and made me fall over onto my tummy :cry:
The time he has been away has made me realise that I dont want the Great Dane to live with us anymore :cry: I cant cope with her now so there's no way I will be able to cope with her when baby is here :? Trouble is, DH loves her to death and I'm going to have to tell him that I want her gone :( She is a lovely dog but just far too big and boisterous and I know for a fact that when I'm on maternity leave, my concentration will be on baby and she will be left to roam the garden for hours on end which wouldnt be fair. I dont mean to sound cruel, its just that my baby comes before his dog :?
I feel terrible :cry:
you could try and maybe pass the great dane onto someone you know to look after for you so that you can still carry on seeing him but not in your home, at the end of the day hun you both have to concentrate on your LO now and thats the most important thing!!! hope it all goes alright hun!! :) :hug:
Awww... I can imainge... we have 2 cavilier king charles and one if them is getting a proper handful and I keep saying that we have to either give him the snip (in hope it calms him down) or get rid of him. I love him to bits and he is sooo good with Arianna, it's just me he has takena disliking too!
Our Great Dane left this morning, breeder came and collected her :cry:

She will be very happy there where she can run around with 7 other Great Danes but I still feel very very sad :cry:
I think youve done the right thing hun, she will obviously be happy there and you cant have that kind of behaviour while your pregnant let alone when baby arrives!

you have done the right thing babes - you both need to concentrate on the LO when she arrives! :hug:
It's sad but you've put your baby first and that's what counts. How is your hubby about it?
Thanks everyone :hug:

Hubby is ok, he understands that we have to do whats best for the baby aswell as the dog. I miss her already but I know its best in the long run :(
Aww it must have been such a hard choice to make, if I had to give up one of my cats I would be devestated but if it's for the sake of your baby then you have definatly made the right choice. The dog is with other dogs of her kind so she will be having the time of her life. She might even meet a boyfriend lol
Ooooh I hope not...all the Danes there are related to her :shock:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

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