He's back!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Well, as the title says really….he’s back!!
As some of you know, my OH and I split a couple of months ago, cause he couldn’t deal with the way I was.
In that time (whilst I didn’t leave him totally alone I have to say), I saw a counsellor, got my head straight, and felt a lot better about things.
For the whole 8 weeks we were apart, all I got from him was “I don’t want to come back” “I don’t want a relationship” “I can’t come back just for the baby” and other comments like that, so just as I was about to give up hope, he contacted me, said I was right, and surely it would be better if we at least gave it another try – well, me being over the moon was a slight understatement, I was ecstatic, lol.That was last Thursday, we talked about the problems, he agreed I had changed for the better, seem more chilled and open, and we are doing things properly this time! So fingers crossed it all works out, I’m really happy anyway, especially now it means that he won’t miss out any more on the baby, he’s already missed enough by not being around.

Just wanted to let you all know I’m happy happy happy again!! Was going to post last weekend, but wanted to give things a while to see how they went, and its' all great :dance:
Thats great news, I'm so happy for you. I really hope things work out and you're both very happy together and enjoy being a family x
Great news! Hope things work out for you, you sound really happy x
Im so happy for you. i said he would come back when he had sometime to himself. I really hope you enjoy the rest of the pregnancy with no more dramas.
Thats a lovely story I am really pleased for you - how exciting everything is now for you xxxx

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