Here at last!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Hi! :wave:
Can't believe I'm actually able to be here! Just over a year after stopping my pill and 5 weeks after ovarian drilling I got my BFP.
I'm not sure exactly about my cycle as I have PCOS but my last AF was on 17 December and I think I noticed ov on day 15/16 ish so going by that I am just over 5 weeks and baby due somewhere round 25 September! :love:
I had strong suspicions about being pregnant anyway cos I feel like utter poo and such SORE boobs! :shock:!!
That's it really, looking forward to the tri 1 journey (and all the rest) with u all!
so happy for you, massive congratulations and you sooooo deserve this more than anything xxx
Congratulations hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months
So pleased for you Princess, you were one of the first people i spoke to on PF when i joined last year. Hope you have a wonderful and healthy pregnancy xxx
Wonderful news hun, have a very happy and healthy 9 months x
WELCOME!!! Ha ha hope the time flies by for you. I remmeber you going on about ovarian drilling and I was like WTF is that and had to google it!! Obviously worked a treat!! Woo hoo
massive congrats :) how are you feeling ?

I'm not too bad today, was a bit nauseous this morning and boobs hurt on and off. Apart from that I'm fine. Tho when I'm feeling ok I worry that the symptoms are disappearing and that something is wrong iykwim? Oh and I have also started to take pregnacare now. It's all so so surreal still. But 3 tests including a digi were positive lol. I so hope it's a sticky.
O/h seems to have come round brilliantly, I'm not seeing him for a month now and my belly got a kiss goodbye lol. He is also keeping himself well informed about trimesters and has been researching prams :shock:

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. So glad to be in tri 1 at last :love: xxx
HUGE congratulations sweatheart! x x x

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