I don't drink the below myself but I have a friend whose sister mc'd, she is a medical doctor and visited a fertility witch doctor and is now pg who followed the below recipes:
I don't really like herbal teas!
You'll probably have to order the herbs from different websites *i've had a quick look and there are places like Indigo Herbs who stock most of them.
Ovulation Tea
2 teaspoons per cup, infuse for 8-10mins. Drink from the end of menstruation until ovulation, 2-3 cups throughout the day.
Angelica root 50 g
Mugwort 50 g
Damiana *40 g
Verbena 30 g
Rosemary 30 g
Luteum Tea
2 teaspoons per cup, infuse for 10-15 mins. Drink from ovulation until menstruation, 2-3 cups throughout the day.
Ladies mantle 50 g
Vitex Agnus Castus Seeds 50 g
Herba geranii robertiani 40 g
Yarrow flowers 30 g
Lemon balm 30 g
I've also attached an ebook from America, (
www.pregnancymiracle.com). A friend actually bought it and sent me a copy, there is some crap in it (don't climb stairs when you're ttc) but I'm sure most of the traditional chinese stuff is accurate, if you can face working through it all.