

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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Hi ladies, thought I'd pop into tri 1 and see if anybody had a similar thing happen as I'm going insane. I had a positive digital test on weds evening at 11dpo and every test I've taken since is a bfn, including one frer. I spoke to my friend who is a midwife and she said a positive is a positive and if can't be wrong but all the negatives can be. I'm not due on till Saturday/Sunday so she has told me to wait another week to test again as some women do just have low hcg levels and it's not uncommon for women to not get positive results until a week or two after their missed period. I know this makes sense but how can I have a positive on a digi as early as weds and all negatives since. My head is wrecked and I'm normally the most laid back, least worrying person there is.
Hmmm it could be a chemical pregnancy where it unfortunately doesn't survive very long hence the subsequent negative tests. These are quite common and most women don't notice them but that's the risk you run by testing early :-( I never test early as it could just lead to disappointment, better to wait until your period is due do you can get a me reliable result.
Hmmm it could be a chemical pregnancy where it unfortunately doesn't survive very long hence the subsequent negative tests. These are quite common and most women don't notice them but that's the risk you run by testing early :-( I never test early as it could just lead to disappointment, better to wait until your period is due so you can get a more reliable result.

Oops sorry for duplication.
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It could just be that you are a bit too early yet hun! Testing this early is hard and unfortunately a bit of a waiting game! I tested early & it was awful waiting, but worth it in the end! When is your AF due? Better waiting until you are a bit late, then re testing! I wish you every bit of luck hun! & there's always support here if you need it x
It could just be that you are a bit too early yet hun! Testing this early is hard and unfortunately a bit of a waiting game! I tested early & it was awful waiting, but worth it in the end! When is your AF due? Better waiting until you are a bit late, then re testing! I wish you every bit of luck hun! & there's always support here if you need it x

I'm due any time around now. My cycles are usually 28-31 days. Today is cd28. Thanks so much, the waiting game begins x
I'd give 2 days then do one with first morning wee x

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