Mar 25, 2007
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Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 22:31 pm Post subject: hi there


New to this site,have just posted this in the introduce yourself bit, think that was wrong, as no one has replied yet. me and my husband have been having unprotected sex for 2 years now and nothing is happening. Neither of us will go to the doctors as we are both overweight and we know that the doctor will just say you need to loose weight before they will even try to help us. however we are both on strict diets to loose weight at the moment and we know for a fact that overweight people can and do conceive.
Any ideas or tips i.e certain types of food or anything else that might help us.
Hi Leanne,

Welcome to the forum!!! :wave: I've sent you a pm (or I will do in about 3 mins once I've written it :D )

Lots of baby dust

Hello Hon,

There's loads of really useful information on this section. The first thing I would do is go out and buy a digital thermometer from boots or superdrug for around £7 and start charting your temp every morning when you wake up. The best thing I did was to buy a book called 'Taking Charge Of Your Fertility'. This teaches the technique of understanding your bodies natural fertility signs, which when you know them are so obvious! It's great because you will be able to time sex better and know when you are ovulating. There are loads of myths about women's fertility out there for example that we all ovulate around day 14, so come on here regularly and chat with some of us who have been trying for a while and learning the tricks of the trade. I was using temping and got pregnant on my third month of trying and don't know how I would have managed it if I didn't know my fertility signs. It's mad but once you start trying, you wonder how anyone ever gets pregnant by accident :lol: Unfortunate for me I misscarried at 7 weeks so am back in the ttc section. But that's another unfortunate and little known side to ttc.

My last tip is to visit they will give you a months free trial and help you with charting.

Anyway, hope some of this is of use.

Becs :hug:

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